Valkyrie 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
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美国影星汤姆 · 克鲁斯与欧洲当红女星范 · 侯登联袂出演的新片《刺杀希特勒》将在于近期在国内影院上映。
此片即根据 Da Capo Press 出版的历史传记 Valkyrie: An Insider's Account of the Plot to Kill Hitler 改编而成。
自幼出生在德国一个贵族家庭的克劳斯 · 冯 · 施陶芬伯格 ( 汤姆 · 克鲁斯饰 ) ,深受将军父亲的影像而最终也成踏上了戎马生涯。学历高、聪明能干且组织能力强的施陶芬伯格很快就被提拔为德军的高级军官。但在他的内心却开始对纳粹党徒们的横行霸道,尤其对希特勒 ( 大卫 · 班伯尔饰 ) 在军事上的丧心病狂深为不满和厌恶。 1943 年底,德军在各个战场上已开始节节败退,成千上万的德国士兵死于他乡,而希特勒却更加一意孤行。从这时起施陶芬伯格经常说,我必须采取行动拯救我们的国家,只有一个办法就是除掉希特勒。通过朋友的介绍施陶芬伯格结识了军队中的反纳粹小组成员,他们是一批对纳粹深恶痛绝的德国军人,正在密谋策划暗杀希特勒的行动。不久后,施陶芬伯格被任命为国内驻防军总司令部最高长官,从而有了进入希特勒的地下暗堡 “ 狼穴 ” 并直接接触希特勒本人的机会,从 1944 年 7 月初起施陶芬伯格就一直把炸药放在公文包中,准备见机行事炸死希特勒。由于反纳粹小组坚持要将希特勒及其主战骨干一网打尽,而一再错过了炸死希特勒的三次机会。均因为希特勒的左膀右臂戈林和希姆莱不在场,而未下决心动手。直到 7 月 20 日施陶芬伯格的再次暗杀行动最终只造成希特勒轻伤后而彻底失败。 “Valkyrie” 刺杀行动也彻底败露,希特勒随即命令盖世太保对年轻军官们以及一切他怀疑参与的高级军官展开了一场凶残的屠杀 ……
When on July 20, 1944 a bomb - boldly placed inside the Wolf's Lair (Hitler's headquarters in East Prussia) by the German Anti-Nazi Resistance - exploded without killing the Fuhrer, the subsequent coup d'etat against the Third Reich collapsed. The conspirators were summarily shot or condemned in show trials and sadistically hanged. Unfortunately, the image (initiated by Hitler himself) of a small, inept faction of disgruntled generals desperate to delay defeat has prevailed in the public's mind. The reality of the conspiracy, which involved a wide circle of former politicians, diplomats, and government officials as well as senior military men, is far more dramatic. The Resistance, largely motivated by moral outrage than by political expediency, had started as early as 1933 and involved several putsches and assassination attempts.One of the most active plotters, and later a prosecution witness at the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials, Hans B. Gisevius (1904-1974) used his positions in the Gestapo and the Abwehr (military intelligence) to further the anti-Nazi conspiracy. He knew well or met the major figures - including Beck, Canaris, Oster, Goerdeler, and von Stauffenberg - and barely escaped after the coup's failure. One of the few survivors of the German Anti-Nazi Resistance, Gisevius traces its history, from the 1933 Reichstag fire to Germany's defeat in 1945, in a book as riveting as it is exceptional.
Valkyrie 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书