In this dramatic narrative, adventurers Bertrand Piccard and Brian Jones, the pilots of the Breitling Orbiter 3 balloon, recount their record-breaking, first-ever-around-the-world balloon flight in March 1999. During their 30,000 mile voyage, they faced many unexpected challenges and near-disasters, including a harrowing six-and-a-half-day trip across the Pacific when the balloon came dangerously close to plunging into the ocean, and a tense trip along the border of China. Using their logbook and journals, as well as photographs taken on board, Piccard and Jones have brought their marathon flight vividly to life, capturing the emotion of their many moments of high tension, as well as the humour and camaraderie that helped them persevere.
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Around the World in 20 Days 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載