For two years, Princess Der Ling was the favorite lady-in-waiting to the Empress Dowager Cixi in the imperial palace in Beijing. This book provides a unique and surprisingly intimate portrait of the Dragon Lady, who ruled China for 47 years, and brought the country to the brink of destruction. In this book, Princess Der Ling refers to the larger political context on many occasions. But the fascinating thing about the book is the small things - how the Empress Dowager spends her time, what her favorite color is, where she keeps her jewelry, what she thinks of the dress and complexion of European women, the meals and manners, and the fact that she always wanted to be a man. What emerges is a detailed portrait of the life and personality of the Empress Dowager, and a sense of the inner workings of the highly secretive world of the imperial palace.
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讀這本薄薄的小書隻用瞭不到三個小時。閤上書,那大段大段對慈禧的溢美之詞突然就被重新鎖迴到那段塵封的曆史裏瞭,剩下的隻是一個孤寂的身影,在新年的夜晚,在慈禧與眾太監縱情娛樂的角落裏,用英語說:happy new year…… 這個人就是光緒帝。 那是1903與190...
評分裕德齡(1886~1944),筆名德齡公主。少年時隨父先後在日本和法國生活瞭六年,增長瞭見識、開闊瞭視野,精通多國語言。17歲時隨父迴京,因通曉外文和西方禮儀,和妹妹裕容齡一同被慈禧招入宮中,成為紫禁城八女官之一。《清宮二年記》(Two Years in the Forbidden City)一書就...
評分小的時候對女強人都有一種迷戀,武則天,慈禧,隻是大傢對武則天誇贊的話多一些,卻都罵慈禧賣國。 小時候住的那條街叫西落鳳街,據說就是慈禧齣生的地方,從地理上覺得跟她親近瞭一些。 傢裏有一本很古舊版本的清宮二年記,價格大概頂多一兩塊。第一次看的時候還很小,對於...
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