本书作者Nicholas T. Proferes是哥伦比亚大学艺术学院电影专业的教授,执教超过25年。他在电影领域的专业涉及面非常广,曾在纪录片和故事片中担任导演、摄影师、剪辑师、制片人等职务。通过多年的教学与研究,他提出了通过戏剧单元、叙事节拍(导演节拍)和戏剧性场面环绕的支点来组织动作的电影导演方法,着眼于首先明确故事(剧本检查工作),然后帮助导演编排故事前进及戏剧发展来训练导演在情绪上吸引观众的能力。
Film Directing Fundamentals 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
王旭锋同志不辞辛劳,接连推出关于电影制作技术方面的译著,的确是慧眼独具。 具体到本书,我觉得唯一的不足在于书中作者所编剧的那个《一片苹果派》,我实在是觉不出这个短剧有什么意思。呵呵。 其他的,都很赞。尤其是对于我这样的导演爱好者门外汉而言,非常有启发。作者拆...
评分王旭锋同志不辞辛劳,接连推出关于电影制作技术方面的译著,的确是慧眼独具。 具体到本书,我觉得唯一的不足在于书中作者所编剧的那个《一片苹果派》,我实在是觉不出这个短剧有什么意思。呵呵。 其他的,都很赞。尤其是对于我这样的导演爱好者门外汉而言,非常有启发。作者拆...
评分王旭锋同志不辞辛劳,接连推出关于电影制作技术方面的译著,的确是慧眼独具。 具体到本书,我觉得唯一的不足在于书中作者所编剧的那个《一片苹果派》,我实在是觉不出这个短剧有什么意思。呵呵。 其他的,都很赞。尤其是对于我这样的导演爱好者门外汉而言,非常有启发。作者拆...
评分王旭锋同志不辞辛劳,接连推出关于电影制作技术方面的译著,的确是慧眼独具。 具体到本书,我觉得唯一的不足在于书中作者所编剧的那个《一片苹果派》,我实在是觉不出这个短剧有什么意思。呵呵。 其他的,都很赞。尤其是对于我这样的导演爱好者门外汉而言,非常有启发。作者拆...
图书标签: 电影 导演 Film.Production 电影理论 電影 理论 毕设 film
Film Directing Fundamentals gives the novice director an organic methodology for realizing on the screen the full dramatic possibility of a screenplay. Unique among directing books, this book provides clear-cut ways to translate a script to the screen. Using the script as a blueprint, the reader is led through specific techniques to analyze and translate its components into a visual story. A sample screenplay is included that explicates the techniques. The book assumes no knowledge and thus introduces basic concepts and terminology.
Appropriate for screenwriters, aspiring directors and filmmakers, Film Directing Fundamentals helps filmmakers bring their story to life on screen.
* Unique, focused approach to film directing that shows how to use the screenplay as a blueprint for rendering the script to the screen
* Features new sections on "Organizing Action in an Action Scene", and "Organizing Action in a Narrative Scene", to complement the first two edition's emphasis on Dramatic Scenes
* Written by an author with 25+ years experience teaching directing and who has worked extensively in the film industry as a director, cameraman, editor, and producer in both documentary and dramatic/narrative films
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Film Directing Fundamentals 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书