Neither Here Nor There 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
If you have a sense of humor, I bet you'll love this book. I bought it from Chaterhouse Booktraders in Shanghai, and finished it during the New Year holidays. He started this European trip from the northern-most city of Hammerfest, and finished at Istanbul...
評分Bill Bryson的作品在旅行文學裏是個異數,他的文字風趣橫生甚至有些粗俗,絲毫不掩飾行程中的尷尬和低落時分。他眼裏的歐洲一點兒也不完美,瑞典小鎮的鼕天冷清得要命;意大利博物館票價高昂還沒東西看,奧地利人民完全忘瞭二戰的血債,瑞士小城昂貴而沒意思,南斯拉夫窮得揭不...
評分雖然久聞比爾·布萊森大名已久,但是到最近纔得以一睹其文采,前幾天剛剛看完《Neither Here Nor There》。這本書的中文版也是今年剛齣,名字叫《東西莫辨逛歐洲》。 事實上,本書寫於20年前的1991年,是比爾·布萊森的早期作品。他的書素來以幽默著稱,行文流利,讀起來很爽...
評分我是從看到布魯日開始喜歡這本書的。前部分的翻譯不是我喜歡的風格。但越到後麵越有趣,人有趣,文字有趣。 “比爾•布萊森之所以能在二十世紀的旅遊文學中占據一席之地,並成為目前世界公認的最有趣的旅遊文學作傢,是因為他擅長用不同的眼光來看待他所遊曆的世界,他真切地...
圖書標籤: 美國 遊記 2010
What I like most in the book is not how Bill Bryson wandered in those European streets or his dirty jokes, but his attempt to understand another nation and people living there, no matter whether the understanding is achieved or not finally. Of course such things can be found in most travellers' experiences, but it's still fun for me.
評分What I like most in the book is not how Bill Bryson wandered in those European streets or his dirty jokes, but his attempt to understand another nation and people living there, no matter whether the understanding is achieved or not finally. Of course such things can be found in most travellers' experiences, but it's still fun for me.
評分What I like most in the book is not how Bill Bryson wandered in those European streets or his dirty jokes, but his attempt to understand another nation and people living there, no matter whether the understanding is achieved or not finally. Of course such things can be found in most travellers' experiences, but it's still fun for me.
評分What I like most in the book is not how Bill Bryson wandered in those European streets or his dirty jokes, but his attempt to understand another nation and people living there, no matter whether the understanding is achieved or not finally. Of course such things can be found in most travellers' experiences, but it's still fun for me.
Neither Here Nor There 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載