The Theory of Moral Sentiments 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
本人仅略读此书,作此篇笔记纯当加深理解,其中当谬误甚多,望不吝赐教。 《道德情操论》,使用严密逻辑体系构建了亚当斯密的道德观。对我而言,此书最大意义在于学习用论证的方式构建一个理论,这远比学习一个理论重要。当然,能够看到自己平时习以为常的道德观被条理清晰地层...
评分一个多月了,终于把《道德情操论》读了一遍,第一遍读,很难有什么深刻的见解,还是要再读几遍。读书笔记很难整理,书的体系本来就非常完整。笔记只能化整为零,将自己读书时候的一些想法罗列一下。 朋友之间的相互同情 “不管同情的原因是什么,或者它是怎样产生的,再也没...
评分第一篇 论行为的合宜性 ◇“情感或心里的感受,是各种行为产生的根源,也是品评整个行为善恶最终必须依赖的基础。因此,我们可以从两个不同的方面来看待感情,或者说,可以在两个不同的关系中考量感情:第一是从引起它的原因,或者说,从引起它的动机来考量它;第二则是从它所...
评分第一篇 目标与哲学 人类活动的主要目标是整体的繁荣,其本质是为了种群的进化。思想家选择合宜或者中庸作为人类行为的衡量标准。合宜的完美形式是正义,即制止我们伤害他人;中庸的完美形式是至诚,这是人类行为的道德基础。本书以目标-手段的层级结构作为整本书的基本结构。书...
评分图书标签: 经济 人文
Adam Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments (1759) lays the foundation for a general system of morals, and is a text of central importance in the history of moral and political thought. It presents a theory of the imagination which Smith derived from David Hume but which encompasses an idea of sympathy that in some ways is more sophisticated than anything in Hume's philosophy. By means of sympathy and the mental construct of an impartial spectator, Smith formulated highly original theories of conscience, moral judgment and the virtues. The enduring legacy of his work is its reconstruction of the Enlightenment idea of a moral, or social, science encompassing both political economy and the theory of law and government. This 2002 volume offers a new edition of the text with clear and helpful notes for the student reader, together with a substantial introduction that sets the work in its philosophical and historical context.
The Theory of Moral Sentiments 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书