A propulsive, relentless page-turner.
A terrifying evocation of a paranoid world where no one can be trusted.
A surprising, unexpected story of love and family, of hope and resilience.
CHILD 44 is a thriller unlike any you have ever read.
"There is no crime."
Stalin's Soviet Union strives to be a paradise for its workers, providing for all of their needs. One of its fundamental pillars is that its citizens live free from the fear of ordinary crime and criminals.
But in this society, millions do live in fear . . . of the State. Death is a whisper away. The mere suspicion of ideological disloyalty-owning a book from the decadent West, the wrong word at the wrong time-sends millions of innocents into the Gulags or to their executions. Defending the system from its citizens is the MGB, the State Security Force. And no MGB officer is more courageous, conscientious, or idealistic than Leo Demidov.
A war hero with a beautiful wife, Leo lives in relative luxury in Moscow , even providing a decent apartment for his parents. His only ambition has been to serve his country. For this greater good, he has arrested and interrogated.
Then the impossible happens. A different kind of criminal-a murderer-is on the loose, killing at will. At the same time, Leo finds himself demoted and denounced by his enemies, his world turned upside down, and every belief he's ever held shattered. The only way to save his life and the lives of his family is to uncover this criminal. But in a society that is officially paradise, it's a crime against the State to suggest that a murderer-much less a serial killer-is in their midst. Exiled from his home, with only his wife, Raisa, remaining at his side, Leo must confront the vast resources and reach of the MBG to find and stop a criminal that the State won't admit even exists.
Tom Rob Smith graduated from Cambridge in 2001 and lives in London . Child 44 is his first novel.
Child 44 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
我就舉幾個最低端的例子,證明本書譯者對蘇俄的瞭解為〇。 “布洛德斯基”原書裏為“Brodsky”,布羅茨基啊布羅茨基! 裏奧的父親竟然叫“斯蒂芬”!原文可是“Stepan”!稍微有點常識就知道該譯作“斯捷潘”的吧。 還有地名,“魯布央卡”就不說瞭,“科力馬”“科利馬”也...
評分 評分我常常想,人性之惡究竟存於何處,是什麼讓一個原本正常的、善良的、平凡的小人物變成無情無義,卑鄙下流的惡魔?孩子齣賣父母,丈夫齣賣妻子,朋友相互齣賣,如果一個社會或人群鼓勵這樣的行為,無論齣於什麼目的,這個社會都不可饒恕,也必定完蛋。 我一直希望所有人都能讀...
評分 評分圖書標籤: 英文小說 電子書
也許正如作者在訪談中所提到的, 對於比羅斯托夫開膛手更可怕的戰後蘇聯政治體製的刻畫, 加上不輸反恐24小時前兩季中讓人窒息的緊張氣氛正是這部處女作如此成功的原因吧. 根據該書改編的電影計劃將於明年上映.
評分也許正如作者在訪談中所提到的, 對於比羅斯托夫開膛手更可怕的戰後蘇聯政治體製的刻畫, 加上不輸反恐24小時前兩季中讓人窒息的緊張氣氛正是這部處女作如此成功的原因吧. 根據該書改編的電影計劃將於明年上映.
評分There is no murder in a “perfect” world,so sarcastic.
評分There is no murder in a “perfect” world,so sarcastic.
評分也許正如作者在訪談中所提到的, 對於比羅斯托夫開膛手更可怕的戰後蘇聯政治體製的刻畫, 加上不輸反恐24小時前兩季中讓人窒息的緊張氣氛正是這部處女作如此成功的原因吧. 根據該書改編的電影計劃將於明年上映.
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