Wuthering Heights 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
这是我第二次读《呼啸山庄》了。羞愧的讲,重读《呼啸山庄》并不是因为喜欢,而是因为第一次没有读懂。可更令我羞愧的是,第二次,我仍然不懂。 一个关于爱情和复仇,里面充满了歌特式的恐怖气氛的故事。可是在我读起来居然不疼不痒。是我笨么?当凯瑟琳和希斯克里夫的...
评分在听涅磐的where did you sleep last night,爱死了这样的暗沉的歇斯底里。我想到了那个外表暗沉却有着排山倒海般深情的希斯克里夫,这首歌是不是特别适合他?多少个他辗转反侧的黑夜,他最想对着他心爱的凯瑟琳说的,应该就是这句话吧? 记得甫上大学时,刚刚摆脱了沉重学业...
Perhaps the most enduring and affecting of the Bront?sisters work is Wuthering Heights. Emily Bront?s tale of heartbreak and mystery still resonates on an emotional level with its theme of doomed romance. It was written between October 1845 and June 1846, appearing in print finally in December 1847. Emily s sister Charlotte spoke of the "horror of great darkness" surrounding the novel in her memoirs and it only received recognition after Emily s death from consumption in 1848. Much of the first half of the novel concerns the passionate and illicit relationship between Catherine Earnshaw and Mr Heathcliff as narrated by a number of individuals: primarily by Mr Lockwood and Nelly Dean, the housekeeper of Thrushcross Grange. There is intrigue concerning Heathcliff who has taken over the Grange and keeps a clumsy boy called Hareton Earnshaw. We learn of how his morose and stern attitude began and the cruel twists of fate which have torn two families apart. The death of Catherine and the true intentions of the novel s various mysterious characters have been the source of much speculation and even now Wuthering Heights remains genuinely harrowing and cathartic.
Wuthering Heights 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书