作者普实克(1906-1980),欧洲最负盛名的中国文学与文化学者,前捷克斯洛伐克科学院院士,东方研究所所长。他所领导的东方研究所曾是二十世纪五六十年代欧洲最有成就的中国文学研究中心。六十年代初,他和美国夏志清教授关于后者所著《中国现代小说史》的讨论,曾在欧美引起很大反 响。
The Lyrical and the Epic 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
In what sense does Prusek use the word “modern” to refer to Chinese literature after World War I? What is the relation between such a modernness with the Lyrical and the Epic? To Prusek, “modern” is less a prescriptive than descriptive term, used to a...
评分给“汉学家”定边界的是两类人:一种是西学入骨至髓,面对中国文化文学,必定手持解剖刀,分筋错骨地研究批判;另一种是挚爱中国文化文明,五体投地地热爱、学习和研究,甚至可能比我们更了解中国。曾经写作《中国 我的姐妹》的捷克汉学家普实克显然属于后者。“记得那年花下,...
评分In what sense does Prusek use the word “modern” to refer to Chinese literature after World War I? What is the relation between such a modernness with the Lyrical and the Epic? To Prusek, “modern” is less a prescriptive than descriptive term, used to a...
评分In what sense does Prusek use the word “modern” to refer to Chinese literature after World War I? What is the relation between such a modernness with the Lyrical and the Epic? To Prusek, “modern” is less a prescriptive than descriptive term, used to a...
评分感时忧国(obsession with China)于焉形成詹姆逊永远历史化(always historicize!)或被后现代论说解构成不可承受之轻或被左翼论述持续包装成最后的天启圣宠本雅明寓言末世论陈严格历史隐喻符号体系王国维忧郁的文化遗民诗学借鉴→借镜 士大夫文化:道德影像语言的精确表达的...
图书标签: 普实克 JaroslavPrusek 李欧梵 海外汉学 抒情 岂有豪情似旧时 史诗 中国文学
The Lyrical and the Epic 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书