In this hilarious and offbeat tale, Igor, the hunch-backed lab assistant of an Evil Scientist from the Kingdom of Malaria, dreams of winning first place in the annual Evil Science Fair and becoming a scientist himself. Igor has some top-secret plans for an evil invention of his own, and through an unexpected twist of fate finally gets his chance to realize his dreams. But instead of creating something evil, he ends up with Eva, a giant, lovable creature who literally cannot hurt a fly, and whose only dream is to become an actress. With just a few days left before the fair, he must find a way to trick her into acting evil. But as Igor's ambition carries him further and further away, it is ultimately up to his best friends, Scamper and Brain, to help him stay true to himself. Based on the upcoming CGI-animated comedy, Igor , this 128-page novelization features 8 pages of full-color movie photos!
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Igor Movie Novelization 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載