The Himmler Brothers 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
读历史,反思过去,展望未来 旅游时,我喜欢跟在导游后面,听他们介绍各朝代历史,我喜欢去博物馆,看那些熟悉又陌生的古代物品,我喜欢走入历史,走入过去,并不代表我活在过去,而是反思,然后展望未来。 人物传记讲究真实,客观,《希姆莱史弟》作者是卡特琳•希姆莱...
评分一部世界史,就是一部人类的战争史!说起战争,国人记忆最深的当属第二次世界大战,这不仅仅是因为国内有八年抗战。更是因为德国纳粹是日本军国主义的同盟。要想了解二战史,离不开德国纳粹史,了解德国纳粹史,绕不开希特勒,更绕不开纳粹党卫军首领希姆莱! 海因里希·希姆莱...
评分之前很少接触到外国历史,看了希姆莱兄弟对二战也有了大致的了解。首先,不说内容,光是作家的身份就值得读者一看。这本历史书属于纪实文学,正如译者所说,查阅资料,收集个人信息,寻访亲历者这三点有机结合,写出来的历史才更真实,能使之活起来。 这本书的写作格式也很新...
评分一个人最难的便是“克服自己”,那么如果让一个民族“克服过去”呢?这难度恐怕比“克服自己”只高不低。在这方面,德意志民族对二战的反思绝对值得称赞。他们所做的“克服”既包括国家层面出台政策,在教育序列中坦陈真相,也包括每个个体对真相的追求态度。 卡特琳•希姆...
图书标签: 德国
Katrin Himmler's cool but meticulous examination of the Himmler story reveals in all its dark complexity the gulf between the 'normality' of bourgeois family life and the horrors perpetrated by one member. This riveting family memoir provides essential new information on the private life and background of one of the twentieth- century's most notorious killers not a lone evil executioner, but a middle-class family man, loved and fully supported by his respectable German family. It also offers a unique account of one women's courageous attempt to deal with her chilling inheritance. 'It is part of the creeping discomfort in reading her book to realise the incredibly ordinary middle-class background of these three sons of a rather pompous provincial headmaster and to see how, right until the end, he was almost able to convince himself it hadn't happened like it had' Sunday Times 'You get a vivid sense of a particular kind of German conservatism - Roman Catholic, monarchist - and of how, weirdly, it found an outlet in the upstart, part-pagan thuggery of Nazism' Independent 'One can only admire her bravery ...In a way, Katrin Himmler's book is not a story about the past, but one about the present. The most interesting details are the ones she gives of her own quest' Daily Telegraph
The Himmler Brothers 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书