Corporate takeovers can be as punishing as a heavyweight fight, and Cold Steel chronicles one of the most contentious ever. The high-stakes story reads like a gripping novel, with a rags-to-riches success story, international intrigue, astronomical volumes of money, and electrifying plot twists. With billions in cash and hundreds of thousands of jobs at stake, Arcelor owner Guy Dolle, a cocksure Frenchman accustomed to succeeding in a tough industry and aided by the Luxembourg government, attempted to take over Mittal Steel from rags-to-riches billionaire Lakshmi Mittal, the fifth richest man in the world. The resulting conflict — an epic corporate battle that sent shockwaves through the political corridors of Europe, strained the world's financial markets, enriched 30 hedge funds, and permanently transformed the global steel industry — is meticulously detailed in Cold Steel , the riveting story of dueling titans of the business world.
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1. 米塔爾團隊成功的原因:米塔爾本人的堅強意誌,靈活的頭腦,旺盛精力;父子,甚至全傢團結一緻;優秀的團隊(銀行/律師/公關/)的密切閤作;廣泛的人脈;靈活的策略(30%骯髒信件,及時提高報價等);單一的利益集團--米塔爾;及時通暢的信息溝通;保密工作做的好。策略:“分割...
評分 評分在收購戰中,被收購方有許多方法可以阻止收購方的惡意收購,基本有兩條原則,要麼提高收購價格,讓對方望而卻步,要麼輿論造勢,或者增加法律、公關等方麵的難度,來使得對方收購的成本和阻力加大。 在這場收購戰裏麵,我們可以窺見許多有趣的細節。首先就是媒體的重要性,在西...
圖書標籤: BestBusinessBook
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