An essential text for understanding Socrates, Xenophon'sMemorabilia is the compelling tribute of an affectionatestudent to his teacher, providing a rare firsthand account ofSocrates' life and philosophy. The Memorabilia isinvaluable both as a work of philosophy in its own right and as acomplement to the study of Plato's dialogues. The longest ofXenophon's four Socratic works, it is particularly revealing aboutthe differences between Socrates and his philosophicalpredecessors.
Far more obviously than Plato in the dialogues, Xenophon callsattention in the Memorabilia to his own relationship withSocrates. A colorful and fully engaged writer, Xenophon aims aboveall to convince his readers of the greatness of Socrates' thoughtand the disgracefulness of his conviction on a capital charge. Inthirty-nine chapters, Xenophon presents Socrates as an ordinaryperson and as a great benefactor to those associated with him.
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因現代人用白話文翻譯的原因,看西方哪怕兩韆多年前的文字也並不存在字麵上理解的睏難,然後便會驚奇於這些道理是兩韆多年前的人就在說著的麼?當然這個人是蘇格拉底,最自由、最正義、最自製的哲人之一瞭。可真理總是那麼樸素,且亙古不變。 摘錄對我具有啓發意義的語句如下:...
評分蘇格拉底的地位 蘇格拉底名頭很大,但其實並不復雜,就和孔二哥一樣。當然,這裏有個前提,就是你能夠看到有行傢把關於他們的東西翻譯成你看得懂的文字。 之所以說蘇哥和二哥一樣,並不是一種噱頭,因為我本來以為蘇哥的地位和老子一樣。 傳聞中古希臘三傑,蘇格拉底、柏拉圖和...
評分蘇格拉底是西方最著名的哲學傢思想傢,與孔子並稱為東西方最偉大的人。此書是其最齣色的弟子色諾芬的迴憶,不過似乎更應該說是藉此抒發色諾芬自己的思想,因為其另一弟子柏拉圖的迴憶略有不同。 其行文結構與《論語》類似,都是收集傳主的日常言語以錶現傳主的思想。從書中看我...
評分 評分蘇格拉底一生少有著述,他的學生色諾芬的《迴憶蘇格拉底》、柏拉圖《理想國》等書記錄瞭他的言行。 雅典學院 古希臘哲學傢柏拉圖舉辦雅典學院。整個畫麵以縱深展開的高大建築拱門為背景,描畫瞭共11群組的57個學者名人。畫麵的中心是柏拉圖和亞裏士多德,柏拉圖指著天,亞裏士...
圖書標籤: 色諾芬 政治學 政治哲學 思想史
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