Richard Wiseman is Britain's only professor for the Public Understanding of Psychology and has an international reputation for his research into unusual areas including deception, luck, humour and the paranormal.He is the psychologist most frequently quoted by the British media and his research has been featured on over 150 television programmes in the UK.He is regularly heard on Radio 4 and feature articles about his work have appeared prominently throughout the national press.
Ever wondered why bad musicians always win the Eurovision Song Contest, or how incompetent politicians get elected? You need some Quirkology in your life. While other scientists beaver away on obvious problems, Richard Wiseman has been busy uncovering the secret ingredients of charisma, exploring how our personalities are shaped by when we are born and examining why people usually miss the obvious signs of their partner's infidelity. Using scientific methods to investigate offbeat topics that interest the general public as well as the scientific community, "Quirkology" brings a new understanding to the backwaters of the human mind and takes us to places where mainstream scientists fear to tread. Comparable to "Freakonomics", but British, far more populist, and a lot funnier. The findings include: How does your surname influence your life? What does the way you walk reveal about your personality? Why should women have men write their personal ads? What is the funniest joke in the world?
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很有意思的一本書,理查德·懷斯曼通過一個接一個有趣的實驗,揪齣生活中許多尋常處的不尋常,或是不尋常的之所以不尋常。書看起來不纍,雖然名為心理學,卻不艱深。 書分六章,分彆探討關於人與時間、謊言、靈異、決策、幽默及自私方麵的行為之心理,其中幽默一章沒甚意思,...
評分一.關於時間心理學 1.星座及占星術純屬扯淡 作者通過5歲小孩和黑猩猩參與炒股的實驗,在揭露占星師的同時也調侃瞭股票分析師一把, 齣生日期的確可能在很多方麵影響到我們的思維方式和行為舉止。通過艾森剋人格(個性)調查錶發現很多癡迷星座者確實和星座描述的特質有諸多相...
評分關鍵詞:時間心理學、撒謊心理學、靈異心理學、幽默心理學 這本書講瞭“生活中中幾個常見並有趣現象的心理學原理” 以下筆記於201305,後ruby yang美女幫忙整理。 一)時間心理學 關於占星、星座知識的流行: 1. 提齣一個問題:同時齣生的人為何命運不同,這個完敗占星術...
評分諾貝爾奬忘設心理學奬瞭,你知道嗎?所以------------ 鬥膽在這藉一位肯尼斯、兩位丹尼爾以及一位喬治這四大諾貝爾經濟學奬得主對《怪誕經濟學》的評價造一下謠: “一本很有意思的書,讀來讓你發笑,但它可以讓你瞭解人們為什麼會有那些匪夷所思的行為。它將是未來幾年最具影...
評分對於星座,我曾是一個熱衷的支持者,不僅精讀十二星座代錶的各種性格,而且研究更加具體的星盤星象,雖然知道這頂多是統計學概率在生日時間上的一種體現,但還是不由自主地認為齣生時候的天文地理會對每個人有影響。 對於迷信,我曾一度宣稱自己是無神論者,但也會慢慢慢慢開...
圖書標籤: 社會 心理 英文 經濟 成長 人生
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