The Stone Maiden 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
The advertisement, complete with box
number, appeared in New York newspa-
pers: "Will anyone having information
about an infant abandoned in Manhattan
twenty-eight years ago please communi-
Katherine Derwith had placed the ad-
vertisement. In love with a very proper
lawyer, she had refused to marry him un-
til she solved the mystery of her parent-
age. Somehow she had to find the
answers to questions that had haunted
her for years; Who had left her, a young
baby, in a shadowy corner of a Hudson
River warehouse? Why had she been
Among those who answered her adver-
tisement was Carl Dietrich, a television
newsman. Although he disclaimed any
knowledge of her origins, he offered to
help her in her search. Katherine, how-
ever, had an uneasy reeling that he was
not dealing straightforwardly with her.
Her instinct was correct.
The Stone Maiden 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书