"Oh my human brothers, let me tell you how it happened." So begins the chilling fictional memoir of Dr. Maximilien Aue, a former Nazi officer who has reinvented himself, many years after the war, as a middle-class family man and factory owner in France.
Max is an intellectual steeped in philosophy, literature, and classical music. He is also a cold-blooded assassin and the consummate bureaucrat. Through the eyes of this cultivated yet monstrous man, we experience in disturbingly precise detail the horrors of the Second World War and the Nazi genocide of the Jews. During the period from June 1941 through April 1945, Max is posted to Poland, the Ukraine, and the Caucasus; he is present at the Battle of Stalingrad and at Auschwitz; and he lives through the chaos of the final days of the Nazi regime in Berlin. Although Max is a totally imagined character, his world is peopled by real historical figures, such as Eichmann, Himmler, Göring, Speer, Heyrich, Höss, and Hitler himself.
A supreme historical epic and a haunting work of fiction, Jonathan Littell's masterpiece is intense, hallucinatory, and utterly original. Published to impressive critical acclaim in France in 2006, it went on to win the Prix Goncourt, that country's most prestigious literary award, and sparked a broad range of responses and questions from readers: How does fiction deal with the nature of human evil? How should a novel encompass the Holocaust? At what point do history and fiction come together and where do they separate?
A provocative and controversial work of literature, The Kindly Ones is a morally challenging read; it holds up a mirror to humanity—and the reader cannot look away.
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摘自《東方早報》 作者:黃 葒 2006年法國文學鞦潮,三十九歲名不見經傳的美國作傢喬納森•利特爾(Jonathan Littell)以他首部用法語寫作的磚頭般厚重的作品《復仇女神》(Les Bienveillantes,直譯為“仁慈的女神”)一舉砸齣兩個文學大奬:法蘭西學院小說大奬和龔...
評分 評分怎麼讀《復仇女神》 入口:公務員 二戰納粹屠殺的小說裏,這本的角度是個特例。處處有著公務員公事公辦的痕跡,這與屠殺與否無關,而是一個公務機關在維持著正常的運行。由這本書仿佛突然領悟瞭公務機關有著它自己的生命,它纔不管其他,而且這個生命是不容冒犯與改變的。如...
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