皮埃尔•阿多(Pierre Hadot,1922-2010),法国20世纪著名哲学家、史学家与文献学家。主要从事古希腊古罗马思想研究。其著作围绕西方古代哲学中的精神修炼与作为生活方式的哲学展开,并形成独具特色的哲学观念,闻名于世。1982年入选法兰西学院。1999年获得法兰西科学院哲学研究大奖。主要著作:《古代哲学的智慧》、《灵修与古代哲学》、《内心的堡垒》等。
The Present Alone is Our Happiness 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
前几天看完了一本书,书名叫做《作为生活方式的哲学》,这本书是本对话录,所谈及的内容很发散,因此我会将自己在这本书里有所感悟的内容给进行一些总结。 首先关于书中所说的神秘主义的体验,这个词听着很玄乎,但在我看来,它是一种很私人的某种不可言说的体验,什么时刻会大...
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In this book of brilliantly erudite and precise discussions, Pierre Hadot explains that for the Ancients philosophy was not reducible to the building of a theoretical system: it was above all a choice about how to live one's life. One of the most influential historians of ancient philosophy in the world today, Hadot is adept at using ancient philosophers to illuminate the relevance of their ideas to contemporary life. In this book, which is an ideal introduction to Hadot's more scholarly "What is Ancient Philosophy?," we learn that to be an Epicurean is not merely to think like one; it is to adopt a way of living where limiting desires is the condition for happiness. Being an Aristotelian, similarly, is to choose a life that involves contemplation, and being a Cynic is to follow Diogenes in his refusal of quotidian convention and the mentality of ordinary people. If so many Ancient philosophers founded schools, Hadot explains, it was precisely because they were proposing how to live life on a daily basis. We learn here that the history of philosophy has been something more than just that of a discourse. The founding texts of Greek philosophy, after all, were notes taken from oral exercises undertaken in concrete circumstances and contexts, most often a dialogue between students and specific interlocutors who meant to shed light on their students' real existence. The immense contribution of this book, which also traces Hadot's own personal itinerary in a touching manner, is to remind us, through direct language and numerous examples, what the theoretical aspect of philosophy often masks: its vital and existential dimensions.
The Present Alone is Our Happiness 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书