Hollywood meets the small-town South when an action-movie star comes to a quirky Georgia community to film the true-life (and death) story of a heroic local lawman. The dead hero s widow, Grace, launches an inventive, often comic crusade to stop the filming of her late husband s very private story.She soon wins love and assistance from the movie star s personal bodyguard, a good-hearted ex-con with sad memories of his own. The movie star s nerdy son develops a crush on the heroine s shy niece, and Grace s colorful, cantankerous grandmother falls for a mysterious man from her (and her family s) past.When heart-tugging secrets come tumbling out, hero, heroine, and movie starare all surprised . . . and changed forever. Deb Smith s latest is another winner-touching on themes of love, loss, faith, and survival while keeping readers laughing from one page to the next.
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