托馬斯·索維爾(Thomas Sowell),美國當代傑齣的自由主義經濟學大師,芝加哥經濟學派代錶人物之一。現為斯坦福大學鬍佛研究所高級研究員,曾在康奈爾大學、加州大學等講授經濟學,還在政府部門擔任經濟學顧問,獲得過包括總統人文成就奬、全國人文學科奬、布萊德雷基金奬在內的眾多榮譽。
他的著作有《美國種族簡史》《知識分子與社會》《實用經濟學》《被掩蓋的經濟真相》《房地産的繁榮與蕭條》《知識和決策》等30多部作品,其中一些甚至多次再版。他的《經濟學的思維方式》(Basic Economics)一書已被譯成六種語言。其文章和隨筆多次發錶於《財富》《時代周刊》《紐約時報》《華盛頓郵報》等知名媒體。
From one of America's best-known economists, the one book anyone who wants to understand the economy needs to read.. At last there is a citizen's guide to the economy, written by an economist who uses plain English. No jargon, no graphs, no equations. Yet this is a comprehensive survey, covering everything from rent control and the rise and fall of businesses to the international balance of payments.The purpose of Basic Economics is to enable people without any economic training to understand the way the economy functions-not only the American economy, but other economies around the world.Some of the clearest demonstrations of the role of prices, for example, come from economies in which prices are not allowed to function-with consequences which show just what those functions are and what happens when they are lacking.In the end, this is not a book from which to cram facts, but one from which to gain an understanding of the economy that will enable you to form your own conclusions on the basis of tested principles, rather than on the basis of emotion or rhetoric. That is the goal of the journey, but you should also enjoy the trip along the way.
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在讀這本書之前,我是一隻經濟學“死鳥”——對經濟學概念一無所知不說,還甚是輕視經濟學。經濟學,是當今中國十分火熱的一個名詞,仿佛一個人學瞭經濟,他就開始發齣金子般的光芒——一身的銅臭氣,我所不齒也。可以說這本書把我從一隻“死鳥”逐漸地變成“菜鳥”。 本書開...
評分600頁的鴻篇巨製,沒有圖錶沒有公式,通俗易懂。介紹經濟學的常識。宏觀微觀的常見問題都講到瞭。有許多反直覺的經過曆史考驗的結論,重要的有: 1:高價格是稀缺性的錶達。針對商品、勞動力、資本的限價最終的結果都會跟政策的初衷相反。製定商品最高價導緻商品供應不足,製定...
評分 評分為瞭解決孕齡婦女在招聘時受到歧視的問題,多個有關部門聯閤要求企業在招聘時不得詢問應聘者在這方麵的信息。 有一部分人歡欣鼓舞,鼓起瞭掌,覺得這是一個好的選擇,以後女性的平等工作的權利受到瞭越來越好的保障! 真的麼? 恐怕不見得,越這樣,女性的受到的歧視會越深入越...
評分圖書標籤: 經濟 libertarianism ThomasSowell
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