'His hand closed automatically around the fake Horcrux, but in spite of everything, in spite of the dark and twisting path he saw stretching ahead for himself, in spite of the final meeting with Voldemort he knew must come, whether in a month, in a year, or in ten, he felt his heart lift at the thought that there was still one last golden day of peace left to enjoy with Ron and Hermione.' With these words "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" draws to a close. And here, in this seventh and final book, Harry discovers what fate truly has in store for him as he inexorably makes his way to that final meeting with Voldemort. In this thrilling climax to the phenomenally bestselling series, J.K. Rowling will reveal all to her eagerly waiting readers.
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我是看著哈裏波特長大的,或者說哈係類陪著我變老瞭。可是我一直都不明白,為什麼我周圍沒有人喜歡看哈的,又為什麼我每次看哈係類的時候都會很開心。 坐在自習室坐到天昏地暗的時候,突然開竅,原來我的哈情結是因為內心暗藏的某種英雄情結。 小波特沒有赫敏那麼聰...
評分昨天晚上12點到今早7點,把哈7終結瞭。 看到最後這幾段的時候,眼睛就立刻濕瞭,要不是脫水瞭一晚上,肯定淚流滿麵: One shivering second of silence, the shock of the moment suspended: and then the tumult broke around Harry as the screams and t...
評分這麼長時間過去瞭,已經不算劇透瞭吧-v- ----------------偶是另類劇透分割綫----------------------- 羅琳(得意的):我終於殺死瞭神秘人 田中(默然的):哦,我把地球教全滅瞭 羅琳(高聲的):我殺瞭鄧不利多 田中(不屑的):楊威利跟萊因哈特都被我乾掉瞭 羅琳(...
評分終於看完最後一本Harry Potter。 知道瞭太多的秘密﹐知道瞭太多的歷史﹐知道瞭太多的死亡﹐知道瞭太多的勝利。實在太多太多﹐令我有點消化不瞭的感覺。 這本書比以前任何一本HP小說更緊張刺激。故事一開始便是不斷的追逐和逃亡﹐好像坐過山車似的﹐危險一浪接一浪﹐叫人欲罷...
圖書標籤: 蘿莉讀物
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