An appropriate motto for Augustine's great work On the Trinity is 'faith in search of understanding'. In this treatise Augustine offers a part-theological, part-philosophical account of how God might be understood in analogy to the human mind. On the Trinity can be fairly described as the first modern philosophy of mind: it is the first work in philosophy to recognize the 'problem of other minds', and the first to offer the 'argument from analogy' as a response to that problem. Other subjects that it discusses include the nature of the mind and the nature of the body, the doctrine of 'illumination', and thinking as inner speech. This volume presents the philosophical section of the work, and in a historical and philosophical introduction Gareth Matthews places Augustine's arguments in context and assesses their influence on later thinkers.
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評分《三位一體論》可以說是華人基督教中,奧古斯丁中文翻譯作品中的精華。它涵蓋瞭奧古斯丁的神論,基督論,聖靈論,救贖論,教會論,末世論等等的思想。可以說是奧古斯丁神學思想的精華,和總匯! 但是,若是仔細讀完這本書,就會發現,奧古斯丁所代錶的正統大公教會神學,跟今...
評分讀哲學的樂趣 王小波說,一個人隻擁有此生是不夠的,他還應該擁有詩意的世界。這句話應該可以引領全文,因為讀哲學的很大一部分樂趣就在於此。 最近開始讀梯利的《西方哲學史》。如果說羅素的哲學史充滿瞭蹂躪柏拉圖痛罵盧梭肢解馬剋思之類...
評分《三位一體論》可以說是華人基督教中,奧古斯丁中文翻譯作品中的精華。它涵蓋瞭奧古斯丁的神論,基督論,聖靈論,救贖論,教會論,末世論等等的思想。可以說是奧古斯丁神學思想的精華,和總匯! 但是,若是仔細讀完這本書,就會發現,奧古斯丁所代錶的正統大公教會神學,跟今...
圖書標籤: Augustine 工作用書 宗教 哲學 Latin Church_fathers Christianity
Mental triad: love, lover and the loved.
評分Mental triad: love, lover and the loved.
評分Mental triad: love, lover and the loved.
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