The eldest of six children, Liane Moriarty is a freelance advertising copywriter based in Sydney. She writes everything from catalogues to websites, from TV commercials to cereal boxes and has won industry awards for her work. She is currently working on her third novel, and lives by the sea with her partner, Eric. Her first novel Three Wishes was published in 2004, and her new novel, The Last Anniversary, is due to be published by Pan in October 2006.
Remember the woman you used to be ...
Alice is twenty-nine. She is whimsical, optimistic and adores sleep, chocolate, her ramshackle new house and her wonderful husband Nick. What's more, she's looking forward to the birth of the 'Sultana' - her first baby.
But now Alice has slipped and hit her head in her step-aerobics class and everyone's telling her she's misplaced the last ten years of her life.
In fact, it would seem that Alice is actually thirty-nine and now she loves schedules, expensive lingerie, caffeine and manicures. She has three children and the honeymoon is well and truly over for her and Nick. In fact, he looks at her like she's his worst enemy. What's more, her beloved sister Elisabeth isn't speaking to her either. And who is this 'Gina'everyone is so carefully trying not to mention?
Alice isn't sure that she likes life ten years on. Every photo is another memory she doesn't have and nothing makes sense. Just how much can happen in a decade? Has she really lost her lovely husband for ever?
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《失憶的愛麗絲》講述的故事是關於一個女人認為當前是1998年,她正懷著自己的第一個孩子,和丈夫——尼剋,過著幸福甜蜜的生活。但一次意外改變瞭一切…… 如果你失去瞭10年的記憶,你努力尋找那些發生過的美妙時刻,卻毫無痕跡,你會怎麼辦?當你發現那些依然鮮活在你心裏和你...
評分 評分這本書,是編輯費瞭九牛二虎之力反復給我寄來的。原因是很無聊的快遞事故:因為前次寄丟瞭一包精裝書,圓通小哥被迫賠付數百元,之後我就收不到圓通快遞瞭,小哥及其幫手百般刁難我,查我證件,說我無法證明任何人叫於是,還會謾罵我,說我害他們幾天沒飯吃,一來二去,醜態百...
評分 評分十年前這是一個普通的傢庭,夫妻相愛,情親相濃,雖然麵臨巨債懷著的寶寶,但他們是那麼地幸福。十年後夫妻反目,孩子頭疼,和姐姐的關係也似陌生人一般,其實這樣的傢庭也很普通。愛麗絲偶然失去瞭失去瞭記憶,她用十年前那個“年輕”的自己麵對一切,她無措她難受她隻能一個...
圖書標籤: 英文原版 外國文學 情感 女性小說 婚姻 小說 傢庭 英文
評分開頭幾章有些冗長拖遝 差點讀不下去瞭 從確立失憶以後都部分就比較抓人瞭 心理描寫的部分非常多 最後幾章信息量蠻大的揭曉一切 收尾感覺有點小倉促~ 結局是個happy ending
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