格雷厄姆·格林(Graham Greene,1904—1991),英國作傢、劇作傢、文學評論傢。一生獲得21次諾貝爾文學奬提名(但終未獲奬),被譽為諾貝爾文學奬評選史上“最大的輸傢”。文學界形容其風格為“格林國度”(Greeneland)。他被譽為20世紀最嚴肅最悲觀最具宗教意識的作傢,可同時又是講故事的聖手,是20世紀整個西方世界最具明星效應的大師級作傢之一。他的作品探討瞭當今世界充滿矛盾的政治和道德問題,將通俗文學和嚴肅文學有機地結閤在一起,獲得瞭廣泛好評。
房小然,畢業於北京語言大學, 自由譯者, 喜好文學與翻譯, 多部《紐約時報》 暢銷小說譯者,現任《燃點》(randian)藝術雜誌 (中英雙語)編輯。
A morally complex and mature work from a modern master IN THIS later novel by Graham Greeneafeaturing a new introductionathe author continues to explore moral and theological dilemmas through psychologically astute character studies and exciting drama on an international stage. The title character of "Monsignor Quixote" is a village priest, elevated to the rank of monsignor through a clerical error, who travels to Madrid accompanied by his best friend, Sancho, the Communist ex-mayor of the village, in Greeneas lighthearted variation on Cervantes.
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評分三觀不一緻的人,能做朋友嗎? 古代人三觀不一緻的話,一般都割席分坐以示斷交,或者寫封信錶示老死不相往來。如今有瞭微信,認識新朋友很容易,斷交也變得更容易瞭,動動手指就可以將聊不來的朋友拉進黑名單。人與人之間的關係變得越來越脆弱,也越來越不值得維係。 今天介紹...
圖書標籤: 白 格雷厄姆格林 GrahamGreene
This is my first contact with Graham but not the last! It is a fascinating book.
評分This is my first contact with Graham but not the last! It is a fascinating book.
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