丹‧賈德納(Dan Gardner),專欄作傢,為《渥太華公民報》的資深撰稿人,專長領域是刑事司法和研究調查中的議題。他具備法律和曆史專業,曾任加拿大首相和教育部長的資深政策顧問,於一九九七年轉而從事新聞工作;其作品曾獲眾多奬項,包括加拿大國傢報紙奬與國際特赦組織人權新聞奬等等。目前與妻子和一雙子女定居於渥太華。
In 2003, a Home Office report stated that 68 British children have been abducted that year by a stranger. With 11.4 million children under 16 living in the UK, that works out to a risk of one in 167,647. 158 people in Britain have died from the human variation of mad cow disease yet 12,000 Britons are killed each year by flu and related complications. In the tradition of Malcolm Gladwell, Dan Gardner explores a new way of thinking about the decisions we make. We are the safest and healthiest human beings who ever lived, and yet irrational fear of the risk we face in everyday life is growing, with deadly consequences -- such as the 1,595 Americans killed when they made the mistake of switching from planes to cars after September 11. In part, this irrationality is caused by those who promote fear for their own gain -- including politicians, activists and the media. Culture also matters. But a more fundamental cause is human psychology. Working with risk science pioneer Paul Slovic, author Dan Gardner sets out to explain in a compulsively readable fashion just how we make our decisions and run our lives. We learn that the brain has not one but two systems for analyzing risk. One is primitive, unconscious, and intuitive. The other is conscious and rational. The two systems often agree, but occasionally they come to very different conclusions. When that happens, we can find ourselves worrying about what the statistics tell us is a trivial threat -- terrorism, child abduction, cancer caused by chemical pollution -- or shrugging off serious risks like obesity and smoking. Gladwell told us about the black box of our brains; Gardner takes us inside, helping us to understand how to deconstruct the information we're bombarded with and respond more logically and adaptively to our world. Risk is cutting-edge reading.
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最近看完瞭《販賣恐懼:脫軌的風險判斷》,上周六又去聽瞭小熊老師的長投價值投資綫下課,剛好這兩部分都有關於風險的內容,寫一篇博客總結一下。 《販賣恐懼》這本書本身就是講人類風險認知與行為的,前言提到一個很有趣的案例,美國911. 美國911造成近三韆人死亡,好幾十萬人...
評分這本書的內容讓我想起瞭我媽,很長一段時間我媽視網絡為洪水猛獸,也就是說我媽已經對網絡産生瞭一種深深的恐懼感。為什麼我媽在根本不會用電腦,更不會上網的情況下會對網絡有如此強烈的反映,那得“感謝”我們偉大的媒體。 因為我媽不上網,所以她對網絡的認識基...
評分最近看完瞭《販賣恐懼:脫軌的風險判斷》,上周六又去聽瞭小熊老師的長投價值投資綫下課,剛好這兩部分都有關於風險的內容,寫一篇博客總結一下。 《販賣恐懼》這本書本身就是講人類風險認知與行為的,前言提到一個很有趣的案例,美國911. 美國911造成近三韆人死亡,好幾十萬人...
評分這本書的內容讓我想起瞭我媽,很長一段時間我媽視網絡為洪水猛獸,也就是說我媽已經對網絡産生瞭一種深深的恐懼感。為什麼我媽在根本不會用電腦,更不會上網的情況下會對網絡有如此強烈的反映,那得“感謝”我們偉大的媒體。 因為我媽不上網,所以她對網絡的認識基...
評分這本書的內容讓我想起瞭我媽,很長一段時間我媽視網絡為洪水猛獸,也就是說我媽已經對網絡産生瞭一種深深的恐懼感。為什麼我媽在根本不會用電腦,更不會上網的情況下會對網絡有如此強烈的反映,那得“感謝”我們偉大的媒體。 因為我媽不上網,所以她對網絡的認識基...
圖書標籤: NonFiction Blinkist
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