艾麗絲•門羅(Alice Munro,1931— )
Brilliantly paced, lit with sparks of danger and underlying menace, these are dazzling, provocative stories about Svengali men, and radical women who outmanoeuvre them, about destructive marriages and curdled friendships, about mothers and sons, and about moments which change or haunt a life. Alice Munro takes on complex, even harrowing emotions and events, and renders them into stories that surprise, amaze and shed light on the unpredictable ways we accommodate to what happens in our lives. A wife and mother, whose spirit has been crushed, finds release from her extraordinary pain in the most unlikely place. The young victim of a humiliating seduction (which involves reading Housman in the nude) finds an unusual way to get her own back and move on. An older woman, dying of cancer, weaves a poisonous story to save her life. Other stories uncover the 'deep holes' in marriage and their consequences, the dangerous intimacy of girls and the cruelty of children. The long title story follows Sophia Kovalevsky, a late nineteenth-century Russian emigree and mathematical genius, as she takes a fateful winter journey that begins with a visit to her lover on the Riviera, and ends in Sweden, where she is a professor at the only university willing to hire a woman to teach her subject. Munro's unsettling stories turn lives into art, expand our world and our understanding of the strange workings of the human heart.
Too Much Happiness 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
這本小說集題為 “Too Much Happiness”, 但其實它是講痛苦的,講那些人們沒太有辦法講齣口的痛苦。這是我讀過的門羅的小說集中最暴力、最驚心動魄的一本,但是故事中的暴力,包括謀殺、性騷擾、齣軌、意外等等,並不構成故事的高潮,它們的核心還是在關照人們那些無法言說的委...
評分我不知道該怎樣給這本書打分。門羅的小說絕對一流,但翻譯實在是……。。 門羅的文字冷靜,卻不晦澀。精確,卻並不難懂。如果準確翻譯,忠實地翻譯就夠瞭,根本不會讓人時常覺得讀得雲裏霧裏。門羅是直抵人心的,故弄玄虛並不是她的目的。 以《溫洛嶺》這篇前十頁為例: 1、73...
評分因為是短篇小說集,又因為之前從未看過門羅的小說,所以要斷斷續續分成好多天看完,算是最近忙裏忙外之間的一種收獲。 7月22日《多維的世界》 在我看來,這故事講述瞭門羅眼中的“斯德哥爾摩癥候群患者”經曆:一個陷在痛苦之中的女人為什麼不肯離開她的痛苦。 不停為施暴者找...
評分"too much happiness“ -- 有那麼一兩篇,讓我一度懷疑自己在看亦舒。 一個拉大提琴的女老師,被嬉皮士老公劈腿、齣軌。她知道後說那咱們三個人想想以後怎麼對付吧。男的是個混不吝,說,不是三個人,沒有咱們 -- 乾脆利落地把她掃地齣瞭門。女老師咽不下這口氣,天天打扮得花...
評分圖書標籤: 文學 英文 小說 Munro Helmet Alice
評分Why she named it "too much happiness" where in it the first story Dimension is so awful...she is really the one of the best story tellers I ever read.
評分Why she named it "too much happiness" where in it the first story Dimension is so awful...she is really the one of the best story tellers I ever read.
評分Why she named it "too much happiness" where in it the first story Dimension is so awful...she is really the one of the best story tellers I ever read.
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