Created by Takashi Okazaki, the "Afro Samurai" manga was adapted into an anime television series which premiered on Spike TV in 2007, featuring such notable voice actors as Samuel L. Jackson, Ron Peryman, and Kelly Hu. The second season of "Afro Samurai" will air in Autumn 2008. The multi-platform "Afro Samurai" video game by Namco is also scheduled for Autumn 08 release and is expected to have a multi million pound marketing budget.In the bleak world of the swordsman, it is said that he who becomes the Number 1 samurai shall rule the world. And only Number 2 is allowed to challenge Number 1. Afro Samurai has assumed the mantle of Number 2, seeking vengeance against Number 1, a gunman who killed his father years ago. But assassins lurk at every corner, seeking to rob Afro Samurai of the title of Number 2. Can Afro survive long enough to exact his revenge?
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圖書標籤: afro 犯罪 Z-綜閤性圖書
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