David R. Shaffer
美國佐治亞大學Joshah Meigs傑齣榮譽退休教授奬獲得者,佐治亞大學本科教學項目、畢生發展心理學項目以及社會心理學項目前任主席。他在過去的36年中一直在佐治亞大學為本科生與研究生教授人類發展心理學課程。他發錶瞭眾多有關親社會行為、態度與說服、道德發展、性彆角色和社會行為、自我錶露以及社會心理學和法律的研究論文,並曾擔任《人格與社會心理學雜誌》(Journal of Personality and Social Psychology)、《人格和社會心理學學報》(Personality and Social Bulletin)和《人格雜誌》(Journal of Personality)的副主編。1990年,Shaffer教授獲得瞭佐治亞大學的最高教學奬—Josiah Meigs傑齣教學奬。
Katherine Kipp
This popular, topically organized, and thoroughly updated child and adolescent development text presents you with the best theories, research, and practical advice that developmentalists have to offer today. Authors David R. Shaffer and Katherine Kipp provide you with a current and comprehensive overview of child and adolescent development, written in clear, concise language that talks "to" you rather than "at" you. The authors also focus on applicationashowing how theories and research apply to real-life settings. As a result, you will gain an understanding of developmental principles that will help you in your roles as parents, teachers, nurses, day-care workers, pediatricians, psychologists, or in any other capacity by which you may one day influence the lives of developing persons.
Developmental Psychology 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
評分圍繞養孩子相關的這種大部頭(理論+實證研究)的書,我有20本,仔細反復讀的有8本。 這本2016年年底買的,今天2年瞭,看瞭很多遍!其實它寫得很通俗瞭,很關注你關注的啦! 我建議:你先看這本,再看其它的。 全書要告訴你:人是認知的、人格和社會、生理的三閤一。養娃上不可...
評分 評分作為一個心理學愛好者,我打開瞭兒童發展心理學的大門。一個年輕父親,我探究更多的是把心理學這本書與逐漸成長的兒子結閤在一起,於更加瞭解孩子,更多得是給予我與兒子共同成長的指導。讀完後有很多感觸與覺悟,感謝這本書的作者與翻譯,讓我體會到瞭什麼是以人為本,這...
圖書標籤: 心理學 心理 發展 兒童 育兒 2016
never let the child stuck in one stage. Their healthy growing up need love and devotion....To be a good parent is a tecnically-demanding and emotionally demanding
評分never let the child stuck in one stage. Their healthy growing up need love and devotion....To be a good parent is a tecnically-demanding and emotionally demanding
評分never let the child stuck in one stage. Their healthy growing up need love and devotion....To be a good parent is a tecnically-demanding and emotionally demanding
Developmental Psychology 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載