《時間序列分析及其應用(第2版)》內容為:The goals of this book are to develop an appreciation for the richness andversatility of modern time series analysis as a tool for analyzing data, and stillmaintain a commitment to theoretical integrity, as exemplified by the seminalworks of Brillinger (1981) and Hannan (1970) and the texts by Brockwell andDavis (1991) and Fuller (1995). The advent of more powerful computing, es-pecially in the last three years, has provided both real data and new softwarethat can take one considerably beyond the fitting of simple time domain mod-els, such as have been elegantly described in the landmark work of Box andJenkins (see Box et al., 1994). This book is designed to be useful as a textfor courses in time series on several different levels and as a reference workfor practitioners facing the analysis of time-correlated data in the physical,biological, and social sciences.
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此書內容全麵且比較新,除瞭傳統內容(ARIMA,spectral analysis,state-space models)以外,還介紹瞭不少該領域中其他一些重要的topics或者新近的發展,諸如:GARCH,long-run memory process,threshold等。個人認為本書對ARIMA的介紹很好,第三章最後兩節用幾個例子介紹瞭Box-J...
評分碩士期間學過時間序列分析,重點在於希爾伯特空間視角下的時間序列,需要比較強的泛函水平,學的一塌糊塗。近日因為工作願意,需要利用時間序列分析進行一些分析建模,在quick R的主頁上鏈接到瞭本書的頁麵,隨即在互聯網上下到這本書的電子版,讀瞭一下導讀和要用到的幾個例子...
評分這本書簡潔清晰,有充足但不多餘的例子和code。對初學者閤適,用作有基礎的人的參考書也閤適。美中不足的是3.6 estimation of ARMA parameters講的太混亂。如果隻需要對estimation算法有個概念,看analysis of financial time series 相應章節。time series初學者讀這本書的話...
評分碩士期間學過時間序列分析,重點在於希爾伯特空間視角下的時間序列,需要比較強的泛函水平,學的一塌糊塗。近日因為工作願意,需要利用時間序列分析進行一些分析建模,在quick R的主頁上鏈接到瞭本書的頁麵,隨即在互聯網上下到這本書的電子版,讀瞭一下導讀和要用到的幾個例子...
評分這本書簡潔清晰,有充足但不多餘的例子和code。對初學者閤適,用作有基礎的人的參考書也閤適。美中不足的是3.6 estimation of ARMA parameters講的太混亂。如果隻需要對estimation算法有個概念,看analysis of financial time series 相應章節。time series初學者讀這本書的話...
圖書標籤: 時間序列分析 時間序列 金融 補充教材 營銷 統計學 概率論與數理統計 數學
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