Gonzalez-Crussi is a master stylist, an erudite and witty recontour, a magician with words, "an author without peer in our time." -- Booklist Carrying the Heart is one of those remarkable books that informs and enlightens and entertains on almost every page.In this book, Dr. Gonzalez-Crussi explores our inner organ systems: The Digestive System, Respiratory System, Reproductive System, and the Cardiovascular System. As with all of his books, this one roams widely and draws abundantly from episodes of the history of medicine, examples from literature, philosophic reflections, humor and biomedical concepts. It aims to amuse and instruct, to enhance our understanding of our internal anatomical organs and systems, and how our understanding of these systems have evolved over history. This is particulary relevant today, when organ transplants and surgical "remodeling" of the body threaten to reduce human nature to a mere mechanism. The book, and its approach, is completely unique, as is Dr. Gonzalez-Crussi's inimitable style.
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