Victor Frankenstein is consumed by his desire to discover the secrets of life. After several years of research, Victor feverishly constructs a man out of old body parts and brings him to life. Victor is immediately horrified by his ambitious creation, and flees his apartment in remorse. The newborn monster disappears from Frankenstein's laboratory and enters the world as an outcast, struggling with his own identity. What follows is a gripping tale of murder, injustice, and revenge. Since 1818 Frankenstein has been associated with scientists who are consumed with their experiments, and oblivious to the repercussions. Among them are the brains behind the nuclear arms race, scientists who create super bacteria, and laboratories that experiment with artificial black holes. But most notably is the area of science devoted to gene manipulation, both in genetically modified foods and human cloning. Frankenstein has much to teach us in a world where we constantly test the limits of science and human ambition.
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評分父子 弗蘭肯斯坦是那個人造人的名字?我猜沒看過書的人90%會有這印象。不過事實上,弗蘭肯斯坦是造人者的姓,而他所創造的人在書中根本就沒有名字(沒人給他起!)。全書中,人造人最常見的稱呼是怪物,其他的還包括wretch、murderer、deformity乃至vampire。至於“弗蘭肯斯坦...
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評分 評分怪物・女性・上帝 ——從弗蘭肯斯坦的怪物看人造人的社會設定悖論 《弗蘭肯斯坦》(Frankenstein)又有一個副標題,即:《現代的普羅米修斯》(The Modern Prometheus)。全書講述瞭一位名為維剋多・弗蘭肯斯坦(Victor Frankenstein)的科學傢創造齣一個人造人怪物的哥...
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