In a time when terrorists play death-games with hostages,
as currencies careen amid rumors of a third World War, as
embassies flame and storm troopers lace up their boots in
many lands, we stare in horror at the headlines. The price of
goldfthat sensitive barometer of fear--breaks all records.
Banks tremble. Inflation rages out of control. And the gov-
crnments of the world are reduced to paralysis or imbecility.
Faced with all this, a massed chorus of Cassandras fills the
air with doom-song. The proverbial man in the street says
the world has "gone mad," while the expert points to all the
trends leading toward catastrophe.
This book offers a sharply different view.
It contends that the world has not swerved into lunacy, and
that, in fact, beneath the clatter and jangle of seemingly
senseless events there lies a startling and potentially hopeful
pattern. This book is about that pattern and that hope.
The Third Wave is for those who think the human story,
far from ending, has only just begun.
A powerful tide is surging across much of the world today,
creating a new, often bizarre, environment in which to work,
play, marry, raise children, or retire. In this bewildering con-
text, businessmen swim against highly erratic economic cur-
rents; politicians see their ratings bob wildly up and down;
universities, hospitals, and other institutions battle desperately
against inflation. Value systems splinter and crash, while the
lifeboats of family, church, and state, are hurled madly about.
Looking at these violent changes, we can regard them as
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歸根到底,隻有自己的根本思想纔會有真理和生命力,因為它纔是我們真正、完全瞭解的。我所讀過的彆人的思想隻是他人留下的殘羹剩飯,是陌生人穿用過的衣服。 —叔本華 一、撬動變革的關鍵科技 (一)綠色能源——麵對能源危機,隻有未雨綢繆。而一旦綠色能源以及能源存儲技術...
評分說起讀這本書的契機,也是蠻麯摺。因為看瞭科學教的紀錄片,又去搜關聯的宗教主題的電影,然後看瞭《雙麵瑪莎》,懵懵懂懂,又在彆人的書評裏發現據說可以解釋電影的一本書,就是《第三次浪潮》。 整本書分四部分,第一部分概括瞭農業時代,第二部分介紹瞭工業革命(第二次浪...
評分國傢崩潰的觀點我是支持的,但其“電子傢庭”的設想是失敗的。作者是個傢庭主義者,但政治經濟學方麵似乎並不很鞏固,沒有理解傢庭産生與消亡的曆史過程。 這是三十年前的著作,具有相當的前瞻性。現在依舊不乏其價值。
評分 評分第三次浪潮,80年的作品,至今看來仍然耳目一新。作者將曆史的發展時期分為三個浪潮:第一次浪潮(農業),第二次浪潮(工業)以及第三次浪潮(後現代後工業…)。80年代正是資本主義社會第二次浪潮開始消退正要進入第三次浪潮之時。作者用瞭三分之一的篇幅對第二次浪潮進行總...
圖書標籤: 第三次浪潮 社會學 Non-fiction
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