帕特裏剋•弗倫奇,作傢,曆史學傢,1966年生於英格蘭,曾在愛丁堡大學研習英美文學。他齣版有《自由或死亡》(Liberty or Death)、《西藏,西藏》(Tibet,Tibet)等作品。他曾獲得泰晤士報青年作傢奬,英國皇傢學會文學奬,毛姆文學奬等多項大奬。
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包括我自己在內的許多作傢都欠維迪亞·蘇萊普拉薩德·奈保爾(Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul)的情。他開啓瞭文學的多種可能性,找到瞭新的途徑去觀看、描述世界,特彆是非西方世界。對於他的崇拜者來說,想不去模仿他簡直難上加難。刻意模仿自己尊重的作傢也許是一種真誠的恭...
評分包括我自己在內的許多作傢都欠維迪亞·蘇萊普拉薩德·奈保爾(Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul)的情。他開啓瞭文學的多種可能性,找到瞭新的途徑去觀看、描述世界,特彆是非西方世界。對於他的崇拜者來說,想不去模仿他簡直難上加難。刻意模仿自己尊重的作傢也許是一種真誠的恭...
評分A great biography. For me, the effect of this book is: an idol dies as the writer is born. At least, we come to understand the creative process of the writer and his shameless sacrifice of people around him for the sake of writing.
評分A great biography. For me, the effect of this book is: an idol dies as the writer is born. At least, we come to understand the creative process of the writer and his shameless sacrifice of people around him for the sake of writing.
The World Is What It IsThe Authorized Biography Of V.S Naipaul 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載