This six-part television series offers a lively introduction to everyday French for beginners. Based on the classic BBC TWO series, these entertaining and informative programmes can be used either alone or as part of the highly successful BBC short course Talk French. Filmed on location in France, the Talk French programmes assume no prior knowledge of the language, and feature authentic dialogues between native speakers, plus clear and concise on-screen language tips. Offering an invaluable insight into the sights, sounds and culture you'll encounter during your trip, they'll bring the language to life before your eyes! Extras include: * Interactive activities which allow you to check your progress at every stage * Bilingual subtitles provide on-screen support at the touch of a button * Language summaries so you can listen to and practise key phrases 1 x 90-minute DVD
Talk French 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
Talk French 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載