布剋創作的小說多達二十三部。包括《紐約時報》暢銷書榜的優秀作品:《Bitter Root》、《Purple Cane Road》、《Cimarron Rose》、《Jolie Blon’s Bouce》和《Dixie City Jam》。
他是少有的兩度榮獲埃德加•愛倫•坡最佳小說奬的作傢。《西馬隆河的玫瑰》(Cimarron Rose)1988年獲此奬項。
他也曾榮獲下列奬項:Bread Loaf、Guggenheim Fellowship、NEA grant。
他的兩部小說——《Heaves’s Prisoners》、《Two for Texas》被改編成瞭電影。他的短篇小說陸續發錶在《大西洋月刊》、《新故事》、《美國最佳短篇小說》、《南方評論》等刊物上。他的小說《The Lost Get – Back Boogie》由路易斯安那齣版社9年印刷111次,並獲普利策奬提名。
Lucas Smothers, nineteen and from the wrong end of town, has been arrested for the rape and murder of a local girl. His lawyer Billy Bob Holland is convinced of Lucas's innocence but proving it means unearthing the truth from a seething mass of deceit and corruption. A corruption endemic in the way it can be only in a gossipy small town where everybody knows everybody else's business. Billy Bob's relationship with Lucas's family is not an easy one - years back he was a close friend of Mrs Smothers, too close according to her husband Vernon. And when Lucas overhears gruesome tales of serial murder from a neighbouring cell in the local lock-up, the waters are muddied even further and Lucas himself looks like a candidate for an untimely death.
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