J.M. Coetzee's full name is John Michael Coetzee. Born in Cape Town, South Africa, in 1940, Coetzee is a writer and critic who uses the political situation in his homeland as a backdrop for many of his novels. Coetzee published his first work of fiction, Dusklands, in 1974. Another book, Boyhood, loosely chronicles an unhappy time in Coetzee's childhood when his family moved from Cape Town to the more remote and unenlightened city of Worcester. Other Coetzee novels are In the Heart of the Country and Waiting for the Barbarians. Coetzee's critical works include White Writing and Giving Offense: Essays on Censorship. Coetzee is a two-time recipient of the Booker Prize and in 2003, he won the Nobel Literature Award.
A searing portrait of a young colonial in early 1960s London from the two-time winner of the Booker Prize. Set against the background of the 1960s - Sharpeville, the Cuban missile crisis, Vietnam Youthis a remarkable portrait of a consciousness, isolated and adrift, turning in on itself. The narrator ofYouth, a student in the South Africa of the 1950s, studies mathematics, reads poetry, saves money, trying to ensure that when he escapes to the real world, wherever that may be, he will be prepared to experience life to its full intensity and transform it into art. Arriving in London, however, he finds neither poetry nor romance. Instead he succumbs to the monotony of life as a computer programmer, from which random, loveless affairs offer no relief. Devoid of inspiration, he stops writing. An awkward colonial, a constitutional outsider, he begins a dark pilgrimage in which he is continually tested and continually found wanting.
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《青春》是庫切十四本小說中最短的一本,在書中,他迴憶瞭自己18歲到24歲數年間的求學生活時光。 在閱讀青春之前,我們很難評價庫切,同奈保爾一樣,庫切是文明夾縫中的求生者,他幾乎花去瞭一生的時光進行閱讀和學習,試圖進入到西方精神最內在的部分,去展示生命...
評分原來,正如庫切想讓我們看到的,青春不過如此;一個開頭。 因為還年輕,生活在此時總是捧著雙手,有所允諾。即使目露狡黠,總也不是什麼和愚蠢相關聯的事情。 總忘不掉庫切在書裏問道:“哪個英國人能夠理解,是什麼把人們從世界遙遠的角落帶到一個他們厭惡的,沒有任何親情關...
評分《青春》讀畢。一直特彆關注那些老者或逝者年輕的時候,他們在怎麼想,做什麼。這是時間緊迫感所緻。 《青春》和前陣子的《流動的盛宴》都是講述年輕的時候。“年輕的時候”,多麼好的時候,那時未來還是謎,不管他們痛苦或者歡喜,共通的是雄心。 這兩本都喜歡,《青春》更喜...
評分一位已愈六十的老人,滿麵褶皺,銀發雪髯,迴過頭去用毫不見蒼老的筆觸去描述他的年輕時代。一冊單薄之書,其裏該藏匿著怎樣巨大的力量纔可以“青春”冠名?而一個簡單生命個體所經曆的年輕氣盛,其思維的震動該怎樣恢弘纔能夠概括所有年輕人在青春期裏共同的不安? ...
評分《青春》讀畢。一直特彆關注那些老者或逝者年輕的時候,他們在怎麼想,做什麼。這是時間緊迫感所緻。 《青春》和前陣子的《流動的盛宴》都是講述年輕的時候。“年輕的時候”,多麼好的時候,那時未來還是謎,不管他們痛苦或者歡喜,共通的是雄心。 這兩本都喜歡,《青春》更喜...
圖書標籤: 小說 南非 庫切 Coetzee *棄
總算把一位不怎麼可愛的文藝男青年波瀾起伏的大規模叨逼叨心理戲給看完瞭……彆的槽點太多瞭,但他看中Monica Vitti和Anna Karina那至少品味還是很好的啊
評分總算把一位不怎麼可愛的文藝男青年波瀾起伏的大規模叨逼叨心理戲給看完瞭……彆的槽點太多瞭,但他看中Monica Vitti和Anna Karina那至少品味還是很好的啊
評分總算把一位不怎麼可愛的文藝男青年波瀾起伏的大規模叨逼叨心理戲給看完瞭……彆的槽點太多瞭,但他看中Monica Vitti和Anna Karina那至少品味還是很好的啊
評分總算把一位不怎麼可愛的文藝男青年波瀾起伏的大規模叨逼叨心理戲給看完瞭……彆的槽點太多瞭,但他看中Monica Vitti和Anna Karina那至少品味還是很好的啊
評分總算把一位不怎麼可愛的文藝男青年波瀾起伏的大規模叨逼叨心理戲給看完瞭……彆的槽點太多瞭,但他看中Monica Vitti和Anna Karina那至少品味還是很好的啊
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