Here is the popular yet complete paperback edition of the hugely acclaimed Magnum Magnum, which was an instant sellout on first publication in 2007. It celebrates sixty years of the vision, imagination and brilliance of Magnum photographers in over 400 photographs by the acknowledged greats of photography in the 20th century and the rising stars of our time. Each photographer is represented by six of their works as chosen by, and including a critical text by, another member. Including biographies of the featured photographers, a history of Magnum Photos by Brigitte Lardinois and a bibliography of Magnum books, Magnum Magnum makes available to a wider audience one of the greatest photography anthologies of recent years an essential book for anyone interested in photography or the world depicted by it.
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我那天在798看到瞭簡裝的那本。 好想現在就買啊··記得是320多元~~ 不過都是英語的還是法語的來著,, 買來隻能看圖片瞭。。。 最近我有聽說以後會有中文版的齣來,大 傢來說下嘛。 到底是等中文版的齣來買還是現在就買瞭。 糾結中,。。
評分 評分C&C offset (中華商務聯閤印刷)印刷的,照片印刷質量一般或較好,之前黑白封麵的那本《Magnum Magnum》網友評價C&C offset 的印刷質量沒得說,我沒看過,不過這本印刷質量的視覺效果遠遠沒有杭州影天印刷的《攝影中國 中國攝影50年》好,一對比便知,優點就是卓越上買價格便...
圖書標籤: 攝影 Magnum photography 瑪格南 藝術 攝影畫冊 大師 【馬格南】
what is a Magnum photograph?
Magnum Magnum 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載