It's summer and nothing much is happening in Rathmoye. So it doesn't go unnoticed when a dark-haired stranger appears on his bicycle and begins photographing the mourners at Mrs. Connulty's funeral. Florian Kilderry couldn't know that the Connultys are said to own half the town: he has only come to Rathmoye to photograph the scorched remains of its burnt- out cinema. A few miles out in the country, Dillahan, a farmer and a decent man, has married again: Ellie is the young convent girl who came to work for him when he was widowed. Ellie leads a quiet, routine life, often alone while Dillahan runs the farm. Florian is planning to leave Ireland and start over. Ellie is settled in her new role as Dillahan's wife. But Florian's visit to Rathmoye introduces him to Ellie, and a dangerously reckless attachment begins. In a characteristically masterly way Trevor evokes the passions and frustrations felt by Ellie and Florian, and by the people of a small Irish town during one long summer.
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從我所讀50頁來看,我相信這本中篇小說是具有代錶愛爾蘭文學風格的分量的,我也相信william Trevor一定是位英語語言文字大師,隻是看似漫不經心的刻畫,就勾勒齣拉斯莫伊小鎮的曆史與現在,卻毫無刻意描寫的痕跡。同樣看起來沒有章法的人物描寫,也像墨染宣紙一般,一層一層的...
評分從我所讀50頁來看,我相信這本中篇小說是具有代錶愛爾蘭文學風格的分量的,我也相信william Trevor一定是位英語語言文字大師,隻是看似漫不經心的刻畫,就勾勒齣拉斯莫伊小鎮的曆史與現在,卻毫無刻意描寫的痕跡。同樣看起來沒有章法的人物描寫,也像墨染宣紙一般,一層一層的...
評分特雷弗的小說不是以情節取勝,幾乎沒有明顯的起點、高潮和結局。也不知道為什麼會名聲大振。我想也許是他的文字很能引起人對自身的觀照,引起對個人的悲憐。 小說以Mrs.Connulty的葬禮帶齣書中主角Florian Kilderry和Ellie Dillahan。其實說此兩人是主角並不完全恰當,看完全...
評分一個臨終的婦人。 她和她的丈夫都已經足夠老瞭。他們在心裏,都已做好瞭迎接死亡的準備。但是那個婦人,仍然嘆息著叫丈夫取來瞭一本書,讓他翻開那因為無數次翻閱,變得鬆泡泡瞭的書頁,為她朗讀。 當老人蒼老的聲音響起,那已經上路的死亡便已不再迷亂,騷動,那老婦人的生...
評分特雷弗的小說不是以情節取勝,幾乎沒有明顯的起點、高潮和結局。也不知道為什麼會名聲大振。我想也許是他的文字很能引起人對自身的觀照,引起對個人的悲憐。 小說以Mrs.Connulty的葬禮帶齣書中主角Florian Kilderry和Ellie Dillahan。其實說此兩人是主角並不完全恰當,看完全...
圖書標籤: William_Trevor 英國文學 愛爾蘭文學 小說 外國文學 WilliamTrevor
Masterful writing devoted to the boring nothingness of Ireland's life and love, ineffectively rendered in a tortuously slow-paced narrative.
評分Masterful writing devoted to the boring nothingness of Ireland's life and love, ineffectively rendered in a tortuously slow-paced narrative.
評分與其說是個love story,不如說是首挽歌。愛爾蘭的鄉村不是田園烏托邦,而是令人窒息的死水一潭。能走的都走瞭,愛爾蘭似乎總在歐洲現代大都會的陰影下。歐洲的邊緣?
評分與其說是個love story,不如說是首挽歌。愛爾蘭的鄉村不是田園烏托邦,而是令人窒息的死水一潭。能走的都走瞭,愛爾蘭似乎總在歐洲現代大都會的陰影下。歐洲的邊緣?
評分love, disporia and cheating·
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