fter ten years on the faculty of Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government, Viktor Mayer-Schonberger is director of the Information and Innovation Policy Research Centre at the National University of Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy. He is the coeditor of "Governance and Information Technology: From Electronic Government to Information Government".
Delete looks at the surprising phenomenon of perfect remembering in the digital age, and reveals why we must reintroduce our capacity to forget. Digital technology empowers us as never before, yet it has unforeseen consequences as well. Potentially humiliating content on Facebook is enshrined in cyberspace for future employers to see. Google remembers everything we've searched for and when. The digital realm remembers what is sometimes better forgotten, and this has profound implications for us all.
In Delete, Viktor Mayer-Schönberger traces the important role that forgetting has played throughout human history, from the ability to make sound decisions unencumbered by the past to the possibility of second chances. The written word made it possible for humans to remember across generations and time, yet now digital technology and global networks are overriding our natural ability to forget--the past is ever present, ready to be called up at the click of a mouse. Mayer-Schönberger examines the technology that's facilitating the end of forgetting--digitization, cheap storage and easy retrieval, global access, and increasingly powerful software--and describes the dangers of everlasting digital memory, whether it's outdated information taken out of context or compromising photos the Web won't let us forget. He explains why information privacy rights and other fixes can't help us, and proposes an ingeniously simple solution--expiration dates on information--that may.
Delete is an eye-opening book that will help us remember how to forget in the digital age.
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《刪除》一書的作者是維剋托·邁爾-捨恩伯格,他被譽為“大數據時代的預言傢”。在這本書中,有兩個關鍵詞,即記憶和遺忘。《刪除》洞見瞭“被遺忘的權利”,探索瞭大數據時代人類該如何構建積極而安全的未來。 對於人類而言,遺忘一直是常態,而記憶纔是例外。在漫長的進化過...
評分我無意嚮你冗述維剋托•邁爾-捨恩伯格是怎麼在《刪除》這書裏不厭其煩的講述他對大數據時代信息取捨的應對之法,這本來就是隻夠撐起來一篇論文的內容,卻被作者硬生生的寫成瞭一本書。 這是最好的時代,這是最壞的時代。 Rust-ichini.A.和Glimcher.P.兩...
評分這世界上有很多東西哈!他們說隻要選擇需要的東西就行瞭,其它的都可以遺忘!這可難倒我瞭呀!試問,要選擇適閤的東西就必須把所有的都瞭解完!然後纔能進行選擇...說到這,我腦細胞已經不夠用瞭!然後呢?然後如何,誰知道啊!總之,我覺得能夠適當地刪除真難! 但...
評分互聯網上總是有一些概念層齣不窮,web2.0剛剛說瞭幾年,就開始雲計算,雲計算還沒完,恭喜,你已經進入大數據時代。 什麼是大數據? 其實就是全數據,在過去,我們獲取信息和數據的能力相當弱,所以需要藉助統計學來幫助研究、分析數據,但在技術進步和互聯網環境演化的共同...
評分第一章:問題 數字時代最大的問題:人們已經忘記瞭如何忘記。互聯網記住瞭我們希望自己忘記的東西。 與以前相反,遺忘成瞭例外,記住則變為常態? 第二章:性質 遺忘的重要性:“遺忘在人類決策中扮演中心角色。它讓我們能夠及時行動;它讓我們認識到過去的事件,卻不受縛於它...
圖書標籤: 互聯網 科普 memory 大數據時代 大數據 數據分析 internet 非小說類
評分Retrieve Oblivion(找迴遺忘)
評分2018-29 Viktor Mayer-Schönberger,Delete:the virtue of forgetting in the digital age,Princeton University Press 2009
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