尼克.凱夫(Nick Cave)
音樂生涯已逾三十年的澳洲傳奇歌手尼克.凱夫(Nick Cave)的本名是尼可拉斯.愛德華.凱夫(Nicholas Edward Cave),是「生日宴會」(The Birthday Party)、「壞坯子」(The Bad Seeds)和「齧齒人」(Grinderman)樂團的主唱。
在他的音樂裡,盡是超晦暗的哥德式唱腔,不時散發出魔性的孤傲詩人情緒,才得「音樂界頹廢詩人」的封號。在樂壇,他與凱莉.米洛(Kylie Minogue)、PJ哈維(PJ Harvey)等多位叱吒風雲的歌手合作過,拿下多項年度專輯製作人獎,也和華倫.艾利斯(Warren Ellis)一同參與電影原聲帶的音樂幕後製作,作品包括戈馬克.麥卡錫(Cormac McCarthy)暢銷小說改編而成的《長路》(The Road)和真人實事改編的《刺殺傑西》(The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford)。凱夫也著有電影劇本《生死關頭》(The Proposition)。
他在樂壇的成就家喻戶曉,但鮮少人記得他曾在1989年出版過處女作小說《驢子見到天使》(And The Ass Saw the Angel)。因出版時間久遠,英國出版社Canongate與澳洲出版社Text Publishing為了讓更多人能讀到這部傑出小說,在《巴尼的告別旅程》一書出版之際,英、澳同步隆重推出20週年特別紀念版的《And The Ass Saw the Angel》。
The Death of Bunny Munro 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
图书标签: nick-cave
Set adrift by his wife's suicide and struggling to keep a grip on reality, Bunny Munro does the only thing he can think of: with his young son in tow, he hits the road. To his son, waiting patiently in the car while his father peddles beauty wares and quickies to lonely housewives in the south of England, Bunny is a hero, larger than life. But Bunny himself, haunted by what might be his wife's ghost, seems only dimly aware of his son's existence. When his bizarre trip shades into a final reckoning, when he can no longer be sure what is real and what is not, Bunny finally begins to recognize the love he feels for his son. And he sees that the revenants of his world--decrepit fathers, vengeful ghosts, jealous husbands and horned psychokillers--are lurking in the shadows, waiting to exact their toll. At turns dark and humane, "The Death of Bunny Munro" is a tender portrait of the relationship between a boy and his father, with all the wit and enigma that fans will recognize as Nick Cave's singular vision.
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