弗里德里希·尼采(Friedrich Nietzsche, 1844-1900),19世纪德国哲学家,唯意志论和生命哲学主要代表之一,被认为是世界最伟大的思想家之一。
Human, All Too Human 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
上帝已死,人类如何自我救赎?尼采恐怕从摔倒的那一刻到疯癫的弥留之际,都在寻求着启示... 或许应该介绍老庄给他做朋友吧...~ 另,书中的警世之言很有意思... // God is dead and Nietzsche's counting on the future "free spirits", the idea of which hount...
评分小的时候,一直很不理解为什么“天才和疯子只有一步之遥”,长大过后,我说我愿意变成那个和“疯子”只有一步之遥的人,却有人告诉我,你这么想了,说明你不是了。真正的这样的人,是不会这么说的。 哦。 直到有一天,看到了尼采的那句“我生活在不属于我的时代,所以...
评分澄清标题,没有轻视的意思... 有的好书需要静下心去细细梳理其中的脉络,有的好书没心没肺的随手翻翻也会被深深触动. 翻开书前,还曾很认真的大概计划了一下看书的计划,翻开后发现,这是本不用计划去读的书,甚至不用准备书签.随时随地随手翻开任何一页,简短的几句话就足以带你看...
Human, All Too Human (1878) is often considered the start of Friedrich Nietzsche’s mature period. A complex work that explores many themes to which Nietzsche later returned, it marks a significant departure from his previous thinking. Here Nietzsche breaks with his early allegiance to Schopenhauer and Wagner, and establishes the overall framework of his later philosophy. In contrast to his previous disdain for science, now Nietzsche views science as key to undercutting traditional metaphysics. This he sees as a crucial step in the emergence of free spirits who will be the avant-garde of culture.
In summing up the crucial change of perspective expressed in Human, All Too Human, Nietzsche used the following words in his later work Ecce Homo:
"Human, All Too Human is a memorial of a crisis…. [W]ith this book I liberated myself from that in my nature which did not belong to me. Idealism does not belong to me…realities were altogether lacking in my knowledge, and the ‘idealities’ were worth damn all! A downright burning thirst seized hold of me: thenceforward I pursued in fact nothing other than physiology, medicine, and natural science."
This is an essential work for anyone who wishes to understand Nietzsche’s incisive critique of such diverse aspects of Western culture and values as the idea of good and evil, the roles of women and children in society, and the concept of power and the state.
Human, All Too Human 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书