拉斯•史文德森(Lars Svendsen),挪威卑爾根大學(University of Bergen)哲學係副教授。他的作品包括:《邪惡的哲學》(The Philosophy of Evil)以及雖有爭議仍受熱捧的《恐懼的哲學》(A Philosophy of Fear)、《時尚的哲學》(Fashion: A Philosophy)和《無聊的哲學》(A Philosophy of Boredom)。
Surveillance cameras. Airport security lines. Barred shop windows. We see manifestations of societal fears every day, and daily news reports on the latest household danger or raised terror threat level continually stoke our sense of impending doom. In "A Philosophy of Fear", Lars Svendsen explores the underlying ideas and issues behind this powerful emotion, as he investigates how and why fear has insinuated itself into every aspect of modern life. Svendsen delves into science, politics, sociology and literature to explore the nature of fear. He discusses the biology behind the emotion, from the neuroscience underlying our fight or flight' instinct to how fear induces us to take irrational actions in our attempts to minimize risk. The book then turns to the political and social realms, investigating the role of fear in the philosophies of Machiavelli and Hobbes, the rise of the modern risk society, and how fear has eroded social trust. The political use of fear in the ongoing War on Terror also comes under Svendsen's probing gaze, as he investigates whether we can ever disentangle ourselves from the continual state of alarm that defines our age. Svendsen ultimately argues for the possibility of a brighter, less fearful future that is marked by a triumph of humanist optimism. An incisive and thought-provoking meditation, "A Philosophy of Fear" pulls back the curtain that shrouds dangers both imagined and real, forcing us to confront our fears and why we hold to them.
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題記:事實上,在整個曆史長河中,我們所處的時代是最安全的,然而這個時代卻誕生齣瞭恐懼文化。更讓我們驚異的是,當人們在逃避恐懼的同時卻又在追逐著恐懼。透過拉斯•史文德森的《恐懼的哲學》,我們能看到不一樣的世界。 馬斯洛早就得齣安全對於人類生存的基本...
評分題記:事實上,在整個曆史長河中,我們所處的時代是最安全的,然而這個時代卻誕生齣瞭恐懼文化。更讓我們驚異的是,當人們在逃避恐懼的同時卻又在追逐著恐懼。透過拉斯•史文德森的《恐懼的哲學》,我們能看到不一樣的世界。 馬斯洛早就得齣安全對於人類生存的基本...
評分作者拉斯的這次努力,揭開人類生活中不可或缺,又令我們紛擾不斷、睏惑不已、著迷無算的人性一角;是在人性肋下、股溝之褶皺隱秘處霍霍然的一刀——呼喇一下,豁然開朗,昭然清晰。而在此書之前,慚愧得緊,某甚至不曉得這算是一個話題?! 《恐懼的哲學》全書共七章,內容安...
評分花瞭兩分鍾決定在書店買下這本書,花瞭一個上午,老師在講颱上授課,我坐在下麵,翻完瞭這本書。 恐懼是什麼,是害怕,我們害怕在人群中演講,害怕受到批評,害怕失去,害怕對於未知的不確定。但過於確定的未知,又能給生活帶來什麼呢,沒有加速的心跳,沒有新鮮的感覺,沒有情...
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