This emotionally sophisticated story features two teenage boys, the Friesen brothers, who, not surprisingly at their stage of life, share a love-hate relationship. They have different personalities and different interests. Eighteen-year-old Jens is a big man on campus, the star receiver on the football team, and a top fundraiser. His younger brother Daniel is introverted, musical, and in trouble: he owes $5,000 to a sleazy record producer and has no way of repaying it.It seems like everyone is relying on Jens. When the boys' father suffers a heart attack, Jens leaves school and takes a job to contribute to the family's income. When Daniel asks Jens for help, the older brother not only offers advice but also accompanies Daniel when he confronts his enemies. In a shiny new pickup truck packed with camping gear and guitars, the brothers set out on an unusual road trip. This unforgettable weekend teaches them the priceless value of friendship and family loyalty.
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