Frankenstein 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
引言 大约距今九十年之前,一股自西向东而来的狂风正席卷中原大地——它吹落国人头顶的发髻,吹散国人眼前的浓雾,也吹醒国人心底的迷梦。在这狂风骤雨的交响曲之中,有一个最强的音——正是这个音,将我们拉入现代的世界,使这个落后的农业文明初次对现代化有了直观的认识—...
评分 评分初中毕业时窝在书城读完了《弗兰肯斯坦》,但那是缩写版。此后随着知识的增长,我一直把它当作科技哲学的问题。即人制造了机器,但并不能主宰机器,反而被机器反咬一口。直到最近读了完整版,我才知道这部号称科幻小说之母的小说,包含的无穷内涵并不止科技问题。 小说的情节...
评分In literature, writers often guide readers to favor protagonists by using names of the main characters as titles of their works; such examples include Beowulf,Macbeth,and Jane Eyre. In the gothic novel Frankenstein, Mary Shelley likewise tries to gather h...
评分初中毕业时窝在书城读完了《弗兰肯斯坦》,但那是缩写版。此后随着知识的增长,我一直把它当作科技哲学的问题。即人制造了机器,但并不能主宰机器,反而被机器反咬一口。直到最近读了完整版,我才知道这部号称科幻小说之母的小说,包含的无穷内涵并不止科技问题。 小说的情节...
DK Illustrated Classics presents classic novels in a format that is both accessible and appealing to today's visually literate students. Each book contains the original, unabridged text, interspersed with background information, explanations of themes, maps, timelines, definitions, and carefully chosen illustrations that enhance the mood of the story.
In Mary Shelley's famous tale, a man creates a monster who escapes into the world.
Frankenstein 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书