Robert Greene, author of the bestseller The 48 Laws of Power, and The Art of Seduction, has a degree in classical literature and has been an editor at Esquire and other magazines. He is also a playwright and lives in Los Angeles.
Joost Elffers is the packaging genius behind Viking Studio's Secret Language series, Play with Your Food, and How Are You Peeling?. He lives in New York City.
The perfect gift book for the power hungry (and who doesn't want power?) at an excellent price. This is the concise edition of an international bestseller. At work, in relationships, on the street or on the 6 o'clock news: the 48 Laws apply everywhere. For anyone with an interest in conquest, self-defense, wealth, power or simply being an educated spectator, "The 48 Laws of Power" is one of the most useful and entertaining books ever. This book 'teaches you how to cheat, dissemble, feign, fight and advance your cause in the modern world' - "Independent on Sunday". The distilled wisdom of the masters - illustrated through the tactics, triumphs and failures from Elizabeth I to Henry Kissinger on how to get to the top and stay there. Wry, ironic and clever this is an indispensable and witty guide to power. The laws are now famous: Law 1: Never outshine the master; Law 2: Never put too much trust in friends; learn how to use enemies; Law 3: Conceal your intentions; and, Law 4: Always say less than necessary.
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這本書的直白露骨的確在市麵上其他書本裏很難看到,我們從小被教育要做一個正派誠實的人,但同時又聽到許多為權力鬥爭你死我活的故事,中國曆史上不乏兄弟相殘,父子反目的故事,在巨大的權力麵前,人人都是飢渴的原始動物。 瞭解厚黑學的目的在於,使自己的頭...
評分其實和 厚黑學差不多 有句話, 我記得很清楚。 雖然過去幾年瞭。 “射手射齣的箭,不一定能殺死百步之內的敵人。 但智者bu下的計謀,甚至可以害死尚在子宮裏的嬰兒” 樓下 你怎麼看
評分這本書的直白露骨的確在市麵上其他書本裏很難看到,我們從小被教育要做一個正派誠實的人,但同時又聽到許多為權力鬥爭你死我活的故事,中國曆史上不乏兄弟相殘,父子反目的故事,在巨大的權力麵前,人人都是飢渴的原始動物。 瞭解厚黑學的目的在於,使自己的頭...
評分(一) 有空的時候,會看看央視的《贏在中國》。評委中有我喜愛的企業傢:柳傳誌、牛根生、馬雲。對於他們的創業故事和傳記,總是讓人能耳熟能詳的。 至於節目本身,我常戲稱為:《超級女聲》 企業版。央視把節目定位為“勵誌和創業”,每當聽到《在路上》,總會有一種令人...
評分看故事聽道理《權力48法則》 拿到手中纔知道這本書竟然有這麼厚,當時挺擔心的,不知道什麼時候能看完,可是沒想到看起來挺快的,讀的時候主要讀的是故事,讀的是案例,至於道理,你把故事讀明白瞭,道理自然就懂瞭。 作者是美國人,可是書裏麵卻有很多中國古代的故事...
圖書標籤: 心理學 P-SH
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