Humans just aren't entirely rational creatures.
We decide to roll over and hit the snooze button instead of going to the gym. We take out home loans we can't possibly afford. And did you know that people named Paul are more likely to move to St. Paul than other cities? All too often, our subconscious causes us to act against our own self-interest.
But our free-market economy is based on the assumption that we always do act in our own self-interest. In this provocative book, physician Peter Ubel uses his understanding of psychology and behavior to show that in some cases government must regulate markets for our own health and well-being. And by understanding and controlling the factors that go into our decisions, big and small, we can all begin to stop the damage we do to our bodies, our finances, and our economy as a whole.
Ubel's vivid stories bring his message home for anyone interested in improving the way our society works.
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在經濟學裏有一個重要的假設就是理性人假設,意思是人假如能夠具有理智,總會選擇對自己有利的行為,無數人都選擇對自己有利的行為,就可以導緻市場在總體上達到均衡,政府所要做的事情,就是無為而治。 要這麼說,最早發現市場經濟政府作用遊戲規則的不是斯密,是老子。 當...
評分我以為我會做齣對自己絕對有利的決定,可事實確實短期的自我打敗瞭長期的自我。做一個延遲滿足者往往需要更多的毅力和決心,而大多數人是很難做到的,我們一直每天都在作選擇,吃什麼,吃或者不吃,早上幾點起床,晚上幾點睡覺,這些問題無時無刻不在睏擾著我們。 ...
評分中文版的名字叫“直覺”,而英文的卻是“自由市場的瘋狂”。英文書名更加貼近作者的思想。肯定是中信齣版社的營銷定位的問題,推齣一係列兩個字書名的經濟科普書,強化品牌意識! 作者是一名醫生兼經濟學、心理學專傢,書中描寫瞭自由市場的“無形之手”過渡自由化,加上應該理...
評分中文版的名字叫“直覺”,而英文的卻是“自由市場的瘋狂”。英文書名更加貼近作者的思想。肯定是中信齣版社的營銷定位的問題,推齣一係列兩個字書名的經濟科普書,強化品牌意識! 作者是一名醫生兼經濟學、心理學專傢,書中描寫瞭自由市場的“無形之手”過渡自由化,加上應該理...
評分最近在看一本書-------《直覺》。彼得`烏比爾寫的,我是周末在圖書館書架上隨便抽齣來的。 撇開這本書不談,先講下我最近的另一種狀態-------迷上淘寶 好吧,我承認,現在處於這種狀態確實不是什麼光榮的事。首先,“淘寶”這兩字就揭露瞭女人的弱性(尤其是我這種宅女)。其次...
圖書標籤: 經濟 行為金融學 經濟學 直覺 思維 心理學
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