"A magnificent book, quite staggering in its penetration of the ordinary working-class Londoner's nature." --Washington Post
"Eloquent...Wry and ribald...[Lessing's] impressive gifts for characterization and dialogue, her skill as a raconteur and her tartly humorous style combine to make In Pursuit of the English readable and amusing." -- New York Times
"No other writer, from any continent, has this raceless, classless fellowship combined with total physical receptiveness...Mrs. Lessing has always been more than a regional moral messenger; she is a prospector into the minds, spirit and senses of all, imaginatively at home anywhere." -- The Times (London)
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圖書標籤: 傳記 Doris.Lessing 女人 .
enjoy reading 且當訓練英譯中的材料瞭
評分The sky was the limit for them, he said, all the money you liked.
評分enjoy reading 且當訓練英譯中的材料瞭
評分I didn't finish this...
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