朱利安•巴恩斯(1946— ),英国当代著名作家。父母皆为法语教师,哥哥在牛津大学教授哲学,妻子帕特•凯伐纳是著名的文学经纪人。巴恩斯毕业于牛津大学,曾参与《牛津英语辞典》的编纂工作,做过多年的文学编辑和评论家。
Flaubert's Parrot 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
曾经见过有人把作家朱利安•巴恩斯的《10 1/2章世界史》归为历史类书籍,这自然是个错位的笑话;而将另一部作品《福楼拜的鹦鹉》纳入人物传记的范畴,想来只是歧义中的一义,虽然朱利安•巴恩斯更愿意视之为小说,但为福楼拜立传的本意却不可抹杀,尽管这是一部似是而非...
评分 评分 评分还是在微信读书读的。以前就看过别人推荐,一直说好。这回在微信读书看到了就读了。 对朱利安巴恩斯了解不多,看过一些人写他,只是没读过他的作品,没什么感受,大致知道是个学识丰富的英国作家吧。这是我读的他第一本书。福楼拜大名鼎鼎,读过《包法利夫人》和《情感教育》,...
图书标签: 文学 aFlaubert Julian Barnes 英国 福拜楼的鹦鹉 小说 f小说
A classic work by a great British author, published for the first time by Vintage.
Geoffrey Braithwaite is a retired doctor haunted by an obsession with the great French literary genius, Gustave Flaubert. As Geoffrey investigates the mystery of the stuffed parrot Flaubert borrowed from the Museum of Rouen to help research one of his novels, we learn an enormous amount about the writer's work, family, lovers, thought processes, health and obsessions. But we also gradually come to learn some important and shocking details about Geoffrey and his own life.
Absolutely witty! Well, witticism certainly makes books more readable.
评分Absolutely witty! Well, witticism certainly makes books more readable.
评分Absolutely witty! Well, witticism certainly makes books more readable.
评分Absolutely witty! Well, witticism certainly makes books more readable.
评分Absolutely witty! Well, witticism certainly makes books more readable.
Flaubert's Parrot 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书