In the aftermath of World War II, New York emerged as a world-class city and the de facto national financial capital, becoming a magnet for moguls and strivers. At the same time the city remained a collection of small towns made up of people going about their daily rounds. No other publication captured this twin identity as successfully asLookmagazine.
In the pre-television era, the editors ofLookrecognized the great demand for photographs of all kinds—politicians, titans of industry, and unsung heroes, glamorous events and intimate moments, society matrons and showgirls, violent crime and courtroom drama—that provided entertainment and diversion to voyeuristic subscribers to the magazine. Reaching a peak circulation of nearly 8 million in the late 1960s,Lookwas a national publication with a focus on the fascination and allure of New York.
The magazine's New York images—more than 200,000 in all—were donated to the Museum of the City of New York.Only in New Yorkdraws from that astonishing archive to present the tapestry that was New York in the 1940s and 1950s.
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