W.Richard Stevens,备受赞誉的技术作家,生前著有多种经典的传世之作,包括《UNIX网络编程》(两卷本)、《TCP/IP详解》(三卷本)和本书第1版。 尤晋元,上海交通大学计算机科学及工程系教 授、博士生导师。在科研方面,主要从事操作系统和分布对象计算技术方面的研究;在教学方面,长期承担操作系统及分布计算等课程的教学工作。主编和翻译了多本操作系统教材和参考书,包括《UNIX操作系统教程》、《UNIX高级编程技术》、《UNIX环境高级编程》和《操作系统:设计与实现》等。
Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
看了前7章都还翻译的可以,基本上意思都对了,语言也通顺,还能用一些本土化的语言,很不错。 第8章就有些差劲,有些地方词不达意,还喜欢自作聪明的加括号做解释,搞得更看不明白了。回头看看原文,确是很明白的意思。
评分现在是18年8月3日,书年初就读完了,拖了好久,现在才来写读后感。隔了这么长时间,仍然记得书中一些让我印象深刻的地方,比如library call与system call的区别,各种Unix标准化组织和实现,signal,多进程,多线程,socket编程等。读完这本书,别人提到这些概念,你就不会一脸...
评分第21章,与网络打印机通信 printd.c的代码中,从863到878行,如果读的缓冲区刚好在"Content-Length:xxxx"(xxxx代表一个数字)中的数字部分截断,那得到的content-length就不是真实长度了。 求证。
图书标签: UNIX 计算机科学 the in RichardStevens Programming Linux/Unix Environment
Product Description
Bestselling UNIX author W. Richard Stevens offers application developers and system programmers his professional, experience-based guidance on using the system call interface with C. In the first half of the book, Stevens describes more than 200 system calls and functions with a brief example program following each description. Having provided the basics, Stevens moves on to chapter-long examples. The book is applicable to all major UNIX releases, especially System V Release 4-including Solaris 2-and 4.4 BSD, including 386 BSD.
From the Publisher
A tutorial that you just shouldn't be without
If you are an experienced C programmer with a working knowledge of UNIX, you cannot afford to be without this up-to-date tutorial on the system call interface and the most important functions found in the ANSI C library. Rich Stevens describes more than 200 system calls and functions; since he believes the best way to learn code is to read code, a brief example accompanies each description.
Building upon information presented in the first 15 chapters, the author offers chapter-long examples teaching you how to create a database library, a PostScript printer driver, a modem dialer, and a program that runs other programs under a pseudo terminal. To make your analysis and understanding of this code even easier, and to allow you to modify it, all of the code in the book is available via UUNET.
A 20-page appendix provides detailed function prototypes for all the UNIX, POSIX, and ANSI C functions that are described in the book, and lists the page on which each prototype function is described in detail. Additional tables throughout the text and a thorough index make Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment an invaluable reference tool that all UNIX programmers - beginners to experts - will want on their bookshelves.
Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment is applicable to all major UNIX releases, especially System V Release 4 and the latest release of 4.3BSD, including 386BSD. These real-world implementations allow you to more clearly understand the status of the current and future standards, including IEEE POSIX and XPG3.
Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书