"The Selby Is in Your Place" was conceived when Todd Selby began taking portraits of dynamic and creative people - authors, musicians, artists, designers and other cultural tastemakers - in their home environments and posting them on his blog. Nosy by nature, he was interested in seeing how someone's personal style is reflected in their private spaces. Lucky for us, he found his answer in the colour-rich, eclectic and varied spaces he visited while photographing a diverse group of subjects in New York, Los Angeles, Paris, Tokyo, Sydney and London. Some of his subjects are famous and some are not. Some are rich, others aren't. Some are photographed in their apartments or houses, while others are shown in their studios or offices. What they have in common are unique spaces bursting with energy and personality that together create a colourful hodgepodge of inspirational interiors. Each profile is accompanied by Selby's watercolour portraits of the subjects and their illustrated questionnaires, which reveal their answers to questions about homes, possessions and personal style. This book consists of over thirty profiles: half of which are favourites from his web site, the other half are never-before-seen shoots selected exclusively for the book.
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已發錶於2月29日《華商報》 當中國人按部就班地陷入大牌崇拜和西方奢侈品消費時,“有趣”正成為歐美人衡量理想生活的標準。一個有趣的人,雖穿梭於物質卻也愛精神奢侈 ;一個有趣的人,不會被財富、名聲和年齡限製,常常隨心所欲;一個有趣的人,和規則對立,和自由並肩,個...
評分已發錶於2月29日《華商報》 當中國人按部就班地陷入大牌崇拜和西方奢侈品消費時,“有趣”正成為歐美人衡量理想生活的標準。一個有趣的人,雖穿梭於物質卻也愛精神奢侈 ;一個有趣的人,不會被財富、名聲和年齡限製,常常隨心所欲;一個有趣的人,和規則對立,和自由並肩,個...
評分已發錶於2月29日《華商報》 當中國人按部就班地陷入大牌崇拜和西方奢侈品消費時,“有趣”正成為歐美人衡量理想生活的標準。一個有趣的人,雖穿梭於物質卻也愛精神奢侈 ;一個有趣的人,不會被財富、名聲和年齡限製,常常隨心所欲;一個有趣的人,和規則對立,和自由並肩,個...
評分已發錶於2月29日《華商報》 當中國人按部就班地陷入大牌崇拜和西方奢侈品消費時,“有趣”正成為歐美人衡量理想生活的標準。一個有趣的人,雖穿梭於物質卻也愛精神奢侈 ;一個有趣的人,不會被財富、名聲和年齡限製,常常隨心所欲;一個有趣的人,和規則對立,和自由並肩,個...
評分已發錶於2月29日《華商報》 當中國人按部就班地陷入大牌崇拜和西方奢侈品消費時,“有趣”正成為歐美人衡量理想生活的標準。一個有趣的人,雖穿梭於物質卻也愛精神奢侈 ;一個有趣的人,不會被財富、名聲和年齡限製,常常隨心所欲;一個有趣的人,和規則對立,和自由並肩,個...
圖書標籤: 攝影 Selby 藝術 創意空間 傢居 設計 理想.傢 英文
Todd Selby以The Selby為名,發起的拍攝有趣人群的創意居室的私人項目,在前兩年紅到死。漂亮的觸覺參雜他輕鬆的水粉插畫,媒體正是急缺這樣休閑舒適又帶地氣的選題,隨後《New York Times T Magazine》就找他寫專欄瞭。《The Selby is in Your Place》是總結齣來的第一本書,俗氣的人物攝影是缺點。
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